Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Discusses the current state-of-the-art in an area of electrical Research Paper

Discusses the current state-of-the-art in an area of electrical engineering and computer science that you are interested - Research Paper Example nd mobile software, however, every mobile application has specific mobile software that defines its characteristics and requirements depending on the data processing need at hand. Generally, with the availability of the Internet, intranet or any other respective communication links, mobile devices enable a user to take a computer and all crucial files, folders, and software out into the field and to work as if he/she were in the office (Masco et al, 17). Mobile computing relies on the principle of mobile voice communication whose technology has been recently extended to include the ability for one to send and receive data across cellular networks. A number of hardware that support mobile computing are available and include mobile devices and device components like Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Smartphone, tablet computers, ultra-mobile PCs, and wearable computers to name but a few (Mascolo et al, 19). With these devices, there is efficiency in communication and for business people who are constantly on the move, the concept of mobile computing serves to solve the problem of mobility through the transmission of data from remote locations. The dominant technology in the mobile data communication market today that enables mobile computing is the Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD), though; a number of alternative technologies are available such as the Circuit Switched Cellular, Specialized Mobile Radio, and Wireless Data Networks. The basic principle of the CDPD technology is the usage of idle time that is available in between existing signals sent across the cellular networks. This technology usually comes with the advantage of low cost of data transmission since the idle time is not chargeable. Fixed users are provided with a fixed physical link to the CDPD network allowing them to connect to the network while mobile users connect to the network using a packet-switched system. In case the CDPD facilities do not exist, this technology utilizes the concept of

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