Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Construction Technology 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Construction Technology 2 - Essay Example Because the fire curves are modelled on the basis of design fires, the analysis becomes vulnerable to the difference between design fire parameters and the real fire situations that may occur. Furthermore, varying conditions and the global proliferation of standards for fire tests make it imperative that an approximate approach to different situations/standards, for structures (at sea and on land) be adopted. This work aims to analyse fire curves in terms of their vital components/features, simultaneously considering the critical levels at which these vital variables of the standard curves experience a change, with the associated consequences of such, regarding the effectiveness of fire curves at carrying out their function of fire resistance determination. A further look will be taken at the applicability of these curves at sea, with analysis involving a look at the means and extent to which these applications vary, in the approach associated with them. The level of fire resistance in structures (onshore) is generally assessed or analysed by the use of engineering fire design curves. Different types of fire curves and standards are adopted in various parts of the world. Different assumptions are also associated with these different curves. Technically speaking, fire curves are applied to determine the fire resistance rating of passive fire protection systems. This rating is a measure of the time over which a passive fire protection system can resist or withstand a standard fire protection test. Some of the most commonly used standard fire curves include the ISO-834 (BS 476 or DIN 4102), which are relevant to cellulosic structures. There are also the ASTM E119 and UL 1709(or Eurocode 1), applicable to hydrocarbon situations. Engineering design practice generally uses these curves in the context of design fire temperatures, which attempt to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Initial Assessment Essay Example for Free

Initial Assessment Essay The reasoning for using Initial Assessment in my curriculum area is because the majority of students have not completed a formal education or if having done so hold little or no qualifications. The majority of the courses start at entry level therefore no qualifications’ are require, but to offer students progression on to higher levels they need to be holding or be able to achieve a level 1 in communication and application of number. This is the minimum requirement to complete an apprenticeship programme and the vast majority wish to follow the vocational route to being a ‘qualified tradesman’. Procedures Before the day of enrolment students are fore warned at the interview stage what the awarding bodies’ requirement is to do a particular course. In the case of Construction Awards Alliance they have their own assessment criteria to try a match the suitability of the student to a particular trade. However because we deliver from entry to level 2 with three bodies to keep to the assessment process standard the college format is used( booklet produced by the learning centre, attached). Hillier. J (2005 p62) states â€Å"Great care must be used with such assessment activities. Many potential learners will feel highly by being threatened by being asked to undertake a diagnostic assessment. † In my opinion as long as students are made aware that this is not a formal test the majority do not mind taking the test, provided that the reasoning behind it is explained correctly. As a tutor it is important I remember the purpose of the test as Lambert. D and Lines. D (2000 p20) state â€Å"formative assessment is undertaken so that positive achievements of a pupil can be recognised and the appropriate next step planned†. Once all the information is collated this is entered into the course/ student profile booklet, this enables me or any other tutors to look at a particular student or group qualifications and progress as they are recorded for each achievement. Personally I think that the process works well when we complete the diagnostics on line as students can not see how others are doing. Most students feel more comfortable using this method as they do not feel as much pressure as they can wear head phones if required. The whole purpose works well because as a tutor working on entry level and to a certain degree on level 1, communication and application of number can be imbedded into the practical aspects of the course. The major weakness that I feel of the assessment process is that they are not curriculum specific; aspects of application of number are not relevant to the vocational subject. As I have experienced my self and some mature students the terminology of key words has changed until we have had them explained. When using the paper versions students that struggle to read or write often do not complete enough of the booklet, for the tutor to find the true level the students capable / working at. An important aspect that is often missed is the fact that to help students there is a requirement to have extra support in place if require for individuals. If there is no support is there a need for assessment? Yes but ensure all the support is provided and available as required in a timely manner. References a. Hillier. J (2005) Teaching in Further and Adult Education Gosport; Ashford colour press Ltd, p62 b. Lambert. D and Lines. D (2000) Understanding, Assessment ,Purposes, Perceptions, Practice London; RoutledgeFalmer, p20.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Science and God Essay -- essays research papers

"In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth†¦" (Genesis 1:1), the words that start it all if you are a Catholic. Children are brought up to believe that God took seven days out of his schedule to create the earth and all that is in and on it from a "formless wasteland" (Genesis 1:2). He gave man his shape and the keys to paradise and life rolls on from there. They know history of man through the Bible, and if it is not in the Bible, it did not happen. Die hard followers the Bible know little outside of the Good Book and thusly show their Those who took on the ideals of the enlightenment or raised with little to no theological beliefs have questioned the existence of God and the Bible. They have chosen to have the power of science be their creator and savior. No mythical oracles, no prophets, just the theories of motion, space, and relativity to guide them in their lives, and the gap has never been filled. To them, all of the questions can b e answered with one answer: E=MC2. Since the first questions of the validity of the Bible arose with people like Aristotle, Plato, and Moses Maimonides. In fact, Maimonides said, "conflicts between science and the Bible arise from either from a lack of scientific knowledge or a defective understanding of the Bible," (Schroeder, 1997). What he means is that science cannot answer everything with science or the Bible; there must be some happy medium where the two can play off each other. The belief in religion and the understanding of science do not have to conflict and contradict each other; they can work together in helping people fully understand the universe, the world, life and death, and most importantly themselves. The universe that surrounds us had no origin in the Bible, it is just there and only the creation of the earth is discussed. Scientists have calculated the power of the big bang to be 10120 in strength. "If the energy of the big bang were different by one part of 10120 there would be no life anywhere in the universe. The universe is tuned for life from its inception," (Schroeder, 1997). This statement is relaying messages of the two schools of thought at once. The religion translation of this statement is that something that precise could only have been made by some divine creator. The Scientific translation is none at al... ...old as the birth one, but still does not give an answer to the afterlife. Death as seen as the body simply shutting down the heart, brain, and other vital organs stop functioning, thus having no energy left to operate and live. It does not tell where you go when you die if you go anywhere at all. God intentionally keeps that a secret from mortal men so that fear and obedience can be instilled. Science cannot explain the afterlife with a theory or a rule that has to follow an equation or variable. It is just out of the field of study for science. People of the past have ascribed either to a scientific answer or to a theological belief to answer the questions they have. People pray to God for a cure to their disease, others visit a doctor or pharmacist. Nowadays people have become more liberal with their beliefs and where they look for answers. Priests go to the drugstore and scientists have been attending Sunday mass. The blending of the religions does not close doors and minds; it opens the mind to new interpretations of science and the Bible just the same. Harmony is being found, and questions that are more personal are being answered. It is truly something everyone can agree on.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Velvet Revolution Essay -- World History

The citizens of Czechoslovakia had not known freedom in decades. During much of World War II the nation was occupied by the Nazis and later by the Red Army as it drove the Nazis back to Berlin. When they Red Army moved into an area, communist regimes were set up to govern the area, and establish satellite nations. There were numerous uprisings throughout the decade that were violently suppressed by the communist governments with help from the USSR. After Alexander Dubcek tried to grant reforms to the people of Czechoslovakia in 1968, the USSR and most members of the Warsaw Pact sent their military forces to intervene and suppress any unrest or reforms. Things grew somewhat violent and brutal, as any demonstrators were either or beaten, killed, or arrested. Dubcek himself was removed from power. While many Czech citizens were fed up with their lack of freedom and the failing economy, they had little chance to achieve change. In the mid 1980’s though things began to lighten up w hen Mikhail Gorbachev became Premier of the USSR and announced his reform programs of Glasnost and Perestroika. Gorbachev also encouraged the leaders of the satellite states to follow suit and grant their citizens more political and civil liberties. Under Gorbachev the USSR also withdrew most of its armed forces from eastern and central European countries. Many citizens and political reformers took advantage of the moment and started to push for an end to the single party political system that had been forced on them for years. 1989 was the year of many revolutions and demonstrations in eastern and central Europe. In October of 1989 police in Prague had to break up a few large demonstrations that broke out on the 71st anniversary of the establishment of Czec... ...the movement gained such widespread popular support made it possible for the demonstrators to have a great deal of leverage when negotiating with the communist party. Works Cited Ladislav Adamec, "Speech by Premier Ladislav Adamec at an extraordinary session of the CPCz CC, stating his preference for a political solution to the crisis," Making the History of 1989, Item #512, (accessed April 17 2012, 7:06 pm). The Civic Forum, "The Civic Forum's Exposition of its Position in Public Life with a Call for Nonviolence, Tolerance and Dialogue," Making the History of 1989, Item #503, (accessed April 17 2012, 7:15 pm). The Civic Forum, "List of Goals by the Civic Forum," Making the History of 1989, Item #513, (accessed April 17 2012, 6:56 pm).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pr Elements and Functions

5. Programme Elements. PR is skill oriented profession. Major elements are:- (a)Media relations. (b)Advertising and advertorials. (c)Audio-visual production. (d)Brochures. (e)Briefing papers. (f)Corporate identity. (g)Exhibitions and displays, (h)House journals, news letters and bulletins. (j)Photography. (k)Presentation, conference and seminars. (l)Research (public opinion). (m)Sponsorships. (n)Websites – internet, email communication in PR programme, PR TV, PR radio and PR film. 6. Merit In-House Department. (a)Integral so known to all other department.Better communication for collection of information. (b)Permanent employees so understand company more closely. Can respond immediately and involve in day to day operation (c)Easy to collect background material easily.. House journal, annual report, corporate frofile, documentary easily made. (d)Will be on the spot in crisis situation. (e)Full time service without additional expenditure. (f)More economical. Can dovetail materia ls used. 7. Limitations In-House PR Department. (a)Being employee uncritical and biased. b)Can not have varied experience. (c)Transfers so continuity suffers. (d)Sometimes drawn without training and education so tend to be non-professional Management of PR Department 1. Good management principles are most essentials for good PR. Basic elements to manage PR Department 1. Basic Structure of PR Department affects implementation of PR management.. 2. PR Practice. In India three methods – In-House PR department, PR consultancy (can result in maximum expertise) and mix oftwo suitable for large organisations..PR Consultancy. 3. PR Department. Size related to size of organisation. 4. PR as Top Management. PR should have a voice to shape mission and strategic planning. Director should report to CEO. 5. Areas of PR Department. Sectors of PR Department are:- (a)Employees PR (b)Financial and shareholders PR (c)Suppliers Relations (d)Distributors and dealers PR (e)Customers Relations mana gement (f)Marketing PR (g)Govt Relations. (h)Crisis management (j)Corporate advertising k)Reputation management and media relations management. (l)communityRelations and social responsibility 6. Major Events. Company centenary celebration, new product launch, Company merger. Advance planning is key. Checklist to include objectives, audience, budget, detailed programme, messages, venue, date and time, invitation forma& list of invitee, catering, PA system, lighting, flower, commentator, seating & table plan, minute to minute programme, media coverage, photo & video coverage, rehearsals. . Functions of PR Department. (a)Interpret public opinion. (b)Keep management informed. (c)Conduct opinion research. (d)Carryout PR programme. (e)Inform public. (f)Identify adverse criticism. (g)Issue clarifications. (h)House journal. (j)Training in PR. (k)Employee cooperation programme. (l)Open house programmes. 8. Feedback is an important facet.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Enron essays

Enron essays Years before headline-grabbing accounting schemes, document shredding, executive bonus scandals and employee losses, Enron began as a small oil and gas pipeline company in Texas. Begun in 1985, it profited by promising to deliver gas and oil to a particular utility or business at a fixed future date and at a fixed price. As the energy markets, and in particular the electrical power markets, were deregulated, Enrons business expanded into brokering and trading electricity and other energy commodities. The deregulation of these markets was a key Enron strategy as it invested time and money in lobbying Congress and state legislatures for access to what traditionally had been publicly provided utility markets. Some of Enrons top executives became frequently named corporate political patrons of the Republican Party and the campaigns of George W. Bush and other elected officials. As Enrons business grew, it became a broker, a middleman, which made money from the difference between ener gy commodity sales and purchase prices. The actual prices Enron paid for and sold its commodities at were kept secret. As Enron began to face competition from other energy commodity traders, the business arrangements became more and more complex. The company was creating markets for products that never previously existed, and maybe shouldnt have existed. Customers could insure themselves against changing business conditions, including changes in interest rates, commodity prices or even a change in the weather. According to The Washington Post, over time the volume of business from these nontraditional contracts dwarfed Enrons mainline market in commodity trading. The stock price soared and Fortune magazine heralded Enron as one of the most innovative companies in America. Executive compensation for Enron CEO Ken Lay in 2000 topped $53 million, with exercised stock options of more than $123 million and unex...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Why I Chose A Career In Pharmacy And How It Pertains To My Goals

I’ve chosen to pursue a pharmacy career not only because I enjoy working in the health-care industry but also because the pharmaceutical field has numerous career opportunities and a strong job outlook. As a Doctor of Pharmacy I will offer exceptional patient care, and help deter children from abusing drugs. What I like most about working in health-care is the satisfaction of helping someone better understand their treatment or condition. As a Pharmacist my knowledge of pharmaceutical developments and drug safety will help provide the best possible care to patients. Also, my career possibilities are virtually endless by gaining a Pharmacy Degree. The pharmacy program’s diverse curriculum will prepare me to work in a variety of departments. I will be able to work within a hospital, manufacturing plant, or in research. And because pharmacists are authoritative sources of medicine information, they will continue to play an important role in patient care and preventative medicine. Although my main career goal is to work close to patients and physicians, I also hope to use my training to educate children and teenagers about recreational drug use. The pharmacy program will equip me with the knowledge necessary to successfully accomplish both goals.... Free Essays on Why I Chose A Career In Pharmacy And How It Pertains To My Goals Free Essays on Why I Chose A Career In Pharmacy And How It Pertains To My Goals I’ve chosen to pursue a pharmacy career not only because I enjoy working in the health-care industry but also because the pharmaceutical field has numerous career opportunities and a strong job outlook. As a Doctor of Pharmacy I will offer exceptional patient care, and help deter children from abusing drugs. What I like most about working in health-care is the satisfaction of helping someone better understand their treatment or condition. As a Pharmacist my knowledge of pharmaceutical developments and drug safety will help provide the best possible care to patients. Also, my career possibilities are virtually endless by gaining a Pharmacy Degree. The pharmacy program’s diverse curriculum will prepare me to work in a variety of departments. I will be able to work within a hospital, manufacturing plant, or in research. And because pharmacists are authoritative sources of medicine information, they will continue to play an important role in patient care and preventative medicine. Although my main career goal is to work close to patients and physicians, I also hope to use my training to educate children and teenagers about recreational drug use. The pharmacy program will equip me with the knowledge necessary to successfully accomplish both goals....

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Politics in Egypt

Politics in Egypt Failure of Secular Political Movements In most cases, secular political movements fail because of lack of organization and the spontaneous nature of these groups. These groups often arise spontaneously without proper organization.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Politics in Egypt specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The movements are, therefore, often not identified with a particular leader. The lack of predefined leadership agendas dents the movement’s strength as rivalries arise from the different groups constituting the movement. The movement, thus, has to handle challenges of institutionalizing their diverse interests. With time, various governance issues such as qualification of the leaders, the people to spearhead constitution making, what the constitution should entail, and scheduling of elations arise. Leadership wrangles are also dominant in absence of well defined succession plans. Despite the popularity of the secular movements, internal rivalries are common. This was the cause of divisions in the Muslim brotherhood in the 1980s and 1990s where the group split along key personalities (Rutherford 89). Generational disparities also contribute to the failure of political movements. Internal divisions may arise due to reluctance to integrate the agendas of the different age groups, especially the young generation, into decision making organs. Conflict of interest across the generation and reluctance of leaders to give the young people the opportunity to utilize their skills can cause rivalry.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ideological differences may also come out across the generation, whereby the young generation may be willing to accommodate new concepts and ideas while the older generation of leaders is rigid. This was witnessed in the breakup of Muslim brotherho od in 1996 when the old generation of leaders refused to support the youth’s propositions of incorporating other groups into their organization (Rutherford 90). This caused the youths to split from the main organization and formed their political party, though not successful. Evolution of other organizations which are autonomous and financially well endowed threatens the political movements. This may be so when the emerging groups do not have commitment to the movement’s common goal, in spite of the groups being sympathizers of the movement. The movement, therefore, remains as an umbrella body for the different parties having divergent purposes and ideologies. The regime of the day may also impose repressive measures against the movement, often leading to disintegration of the movement. Threats, detention and imprisonment of the members of the movement often put the organizational structure of the movement into disarray, thus weakening it. The repressive measures can c reate leadership crises, impacting on the hold of the movement in the population. This is exemplified by the repression activities of the government in 1970s and 1980s that affected the organizational structure of the Muslim brotherhood. This reduced its influence among the different Islamic activists.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Politics in Egypt specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The government also elevated the generational differences across this group by cracking down on young members, whereas the older members who were the leaders did not respond to these sufferings (Rutherford 91). The movement may often appeal to the masses, spanning across social, religious, ideologies and all age differences. It can, therefore, be made up of people from all walks of life, including those in the economy, military, youth activists and politicians. Sectarian groups may take advantage of lack of proper leadership mechanisms and pursue their interests once they have attained power, contributing to failure of the movement. For instance, the military may exercise too much power and attempt to exert regulations on the pace and type of change to be implemented. The military may often rule with decrees and such rule is not overseen by anybody, for example parliament or opposition. Thus, the military rules without consulting the general public on major issues (International Crisis Group 2). Common values of Islamists and Secularists Islamists and secularists share various dimensions of constitutionalism, among them being the, â€Å"rule of law, constraints on state power, protection of civil and political rights and public participation in politics† (Rutherford 101). In the rule of law, the Islamists and secularists have agreements on shar’ia as the basis of governance. Shari’a must be derived from the Qur’an or the Sunnah obtained from reliable sources.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Shari’a defines the ethical and spiritual ways that the believer must follow to live a moral life in accordance with God’s ways. Thus, every believer is obliged to follow shar’ia. Shar’ia also establishes the legal and moral principles for a spiritually enriched society. Through demonstration of the expected moral values to be adhered to, shar’ia promotes harmony and stability in the nation. The Shar’ia teachings also stipulate that to lead a spiritual life, one must meditate and interact with fellow believers and practice the teachings. It is, thus, the responsibility of the state to steer the people to have good morals by enforcing shar’ia. These topics have no contention and are not subject to discussion, thus the Islamism and secularists have an accord. Issues that are not available in the Qur’an and Sunnah require formulation of laws that are in agreement with Shari’a. These laws must be generated through governance in different political, social, cultural, and economic settings. The man-made laws are established based on fundamental pillars of Shar’ia in relation to governance. These principles include, †to establish justice, to rule through consultation (shura), to govern in a manner accountable to the citizenry, to derive laws from the Islamic Shar’ia, and to respect the people’s rights† (Rutherford 103). Governance is, therefore, aimed at employing the central pillars of Shari’a to formulate laws. The people designing these laws must consider the expectation of the community while upholding the Shar’ia principles. The laws do not contradict Shar’ia if they address the needs of the community and are geared towards addressing the interests of the citizens. In addition, the formulated laws must cater for the expectations of the community and the unique nature of the demands at that time. The laws are also formulated by building consensus c oncerning the issue at hand, in accordance to shar’ia principles and reflecting diverse knowledge and opinions. The Shar’ia, thus, allows for application of non-Muslim ideologies to handle situations in life as long as the ideologies do not contradict the shar’ia. The laws should mirror the values and sense of justice. The Islamists and secularists believe that Muslims have to reinterpret religion to correspond with issues in the contemporary world. Governance by Shar’ia is reaffirmed when the citizens and state demonstrate honest attempts to behave as pertains to Islam and not just oriented towards the particular legislative outcome. Shari’a is based on protecting, â€Å"religion, rationality, property and wealthy† (Rutherford 122). This means that it is enforced to promote justice, fairness, and compassion, and thus laws that stratify these ethical issues are compliant with shar’ia. The process of formulating laws is important in re inforcing Shar’ia. This requires careful consideration of challenges facing the Egyptians and evaluating the possible laws that can help while reflecting Shari’a principles. The role of religious leaders is secondary to drafting the law and interpreting shar’ia. In constraints of state power, exercising state power is confined under Shari’a, hence the people can ignore or even impeach a leader whose conduct and rule contradicts Shari’a. The people have the freedom of expressing allegiance to the state that is founded on Shar’ia, and which responds to the community’s will. The leader is, thus, elected by the citizens and is responsible to them. The leader as a human being can make mistakes as he is not divine, hence he should always engage his subjects on major issues. The state must also be subjected to checks and balances, hence the essence of decentralizing powers to other governance organs and empowering civil societies (Rutherford 112). In protection of civil and political rights, Islamists and secularists have common values in upholding individual rights and freedom. All the citizens have rights to, â€Å"better living standards, life, dignity, and property† (Rutherford 113). Ideal governance is based on, â€Å"consultation, justice, freedom, equality and the accountability of the ruler† (Rutherford 113). Freedom to express one’s self, to think and inquire is essential in practicing Islam faith. Islamists and secularists also believe in public participation in politics. The people are, therefore, supposed to be involved in electing their leaders. By consulting the people, the state gives the citizens a chance to participate in determining governance. Status of Shar’ia under Mubarak and Current Discussions Shari’a is the main source of legislation in Egypt, under article 2 of the constitution. This means that all the legislations must be derived from the principles of Shari ’a. In interpretation of the article, the court in 1985 ruled that the principles of shar’ia must be applied into positive state law. The Shari’a has two principles; those which are express and cannot be debated, and those which can be applied in relation to different contexts. These relative principles are subject to interpretations while adhering to Shari’a. In Mubarak’s regime, two constitutional amendments were carried out but all of them left article 2 intact. Regarding family and personal status laws, the laws were ramified in accordance to shari’a; though this ramification was not comprehensive. Family conflicts such as divorce and alimony were put together to form one case in 2004 so that they can be heard by one court. Personal status laws are enacted by the parliament. The legislation of laws was often followed by some explanations to demonstrate how the laws were adopted and backing literature to justify the legislation (ISLAMOPED IA para 1). Current discussions Having ascended to power, Muslim brotherhood is advocating for consultative governance according to Islam. Muslim brotherhood perceives public engagement in politics as essential in governance. This can be promoted by carrying out free and fair elections in order to choose leaders who demonstrate accountability. This approach is, however, not shared by some scholars who see perceive embedded problems in mass politics, such as enactment of legislation that is not established on ethical principles of Islam (ISLAMOPEDIA para 1). Instead, these scholars are of the view that the state should put organs that can maintain checks and balances, for example a constitutional court that makes sure the formulated legislative measures are in accordance to Shari’a. After the ouster of Mubarak and subsequent entry of the new regime, constitutional plans to amend the constitution were initiated. The main discussions in the amendment of the constitution gravitat ed around article 2 which invokes shar’ia as the major source of laws. People opposed to this article cite it as being biased and the article does not address those people having divergent religious views. Those against the proposals to change article 2 were concerned that changing it was likely to cause sectarian rivalry (ISLAMOPEDIA para 2). However, as the secular groups are minorities, most people are opposed to amending the article. International Crisis Group. â€Å"Popular protest in North Africa and the Middle East (1): Egypt Victorious?† Middle East/North Africa Report No. 101. 2012. Web. ISLAMOPEDIA. Islam and the state of post Mubarak era 2012. Web. Rutherford, Bruce K. Egypt after Mubarak: Liberalism, Islam, and democracy in the Arab world. Oxford: Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics, 2012. Print.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Intern Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intern - Essay Example All in all, I think this was a good week. The next week, life as an intern was both easier and harder to manage at the same time. It was easier because by this week I already had a better feel of my working environment. On the other hand, it was also harder because now I am feeling the load of work of a corporate manager. Of course I knew from the start that at this line of work juggling more than one task at a time is part of the job description. I realized important it is to keep my focus and keep things organized. To make sure that things run as smoothly as possible, I devised a simple strategy: that is making a weekly schedule of my tasks and duties, spreading out my tasks in those days and setting a completion target every day. Because as much as I want to accomplish everything in 24 hours, I cannot, I found early on that this is quite difficult to manage. Thus, the system, it helps me focus and keeps me from being overwhelmed from the load of my responsibilities. By my third week, I hate to admit but I was starting to feel the stress. And I just kept thinking to myself that I cannot let stress get the better of me. I knew that it does not only affect me but my co-workers as well, such negative energy could create a domino effect. I was trying my best not to take my stress out on my co-workers and cause a stress on our working relationship, I want to earn their respect and be respected as well so I had to do something to control the matter. Fortunately, talk to my family and friends really helps. Also, when I am at work, I try to take a minute refocus my mind and take breather before moving on to new tasks. I am really relieved that this working well for me because I know how my stress can result to poor productivity and management, which can affect my co-workers and clients. On my fourth week of internship, I must say I am learning a lot of things. For instance, NYC Service Zone handles a diverse set of clients, which is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Concept of hijab and niqab in arab countries Research Paper

Concept of hijab and niqab in arab countries - Research Paper Example The use of the niqab and the hijab in Arab countries may be explainable through delving into the history of their use and the justifications thereof. Of all the types of headscarf won by Muslim girls and women, the hijab is the most common. Its coverage of the body involves the head and neck but excludes the face (Ad-Darsh, and Siddiqi, 2003). The scarf may be of different colors to match the outfit the lady dons. Another headdress in common use among Muslim women is the niqab. The niqab not only covers the head but also covers the whole face, save for the eyes. It covers up to the mid-back and mid-chest. The veil is most common in Arab countries. Of the two, most scholars are in agreement that the hijab is obligatory whereas only a few think that the niqab is obligatory (Ad-Darsh, and Siddiqi, 2003). There are claims that the origin of the niqab may have been the Byzantine Empire where it was a form of dress among women in certain classes. Muslims then adopted it during the Arab conquest in the Middle East (Eltahawy, 2015). Many claim that the rationale of the niqab is within the Quran and Hadith. Hijab refers to the obligation to be modest in dressing. According to many Muslims, the Quran requires modesty by both men and women when in public. Many scholars quote the Quran to draw a justification for the use of both the niqab and hijab as an obligation (Asser, 2006). One such verse is Quran 24:31. In the verse, the faithful women have an obligation to cover their private parts and desist from exposing their beauty unless it is unavoidable. Their scarf should also cover their bosom. However, others claim that the Quran does not make the niqab obligatory. For them, only the hijab is obligatory. Proponents of the niqab as being an obligatory claim that in Quran 33:59, Prophet Muhammad instructs his wives, daughters and believing women that it is necessary for them to cover themselves with outer garments. Scholars, therefore, use the

Evaluate the arguments for and against the decriminalising of cannabis Essay

Evaluate the arguments for and against the decriminalising of cannabis in the U.K - Essay Example Cannabis is a plant known to be available in most parts of the world and first originated from the Asian region (Emmett and Nice, 2009). Cannabis is known by many names including marijuana, Grass, weed, herb, blow, Ganja, dagga, hemp, pot and hay. It can be extracted in a simple way; the leaves of the plant are cut in small pieces and dried. Emmett and Nice (2009) explain that one has to consider the leaves of the cannabis plant which is almost maturing. From a study conducted by Johns (2001), it has been concluded that this drug has some side effects on the victim. Most of the users tend to consume the drug by smoking, which affects their lungs just the way cigarette smoking affects a person. Cannabis use has been debated much in most countries; this paper will review the need to decriminalize and also the impacts if the drug is decriminalized in the UK. From varied research, it is indicated that cannabis decriminalization should be considered based on the economic point of view; a lot of money is spent by the Government finding drug dealers and abusers. ... The decriminalization of cannabis use in the country would give the government more money to spend in other parts of the economy. In addition the government could generate revenue from the cannabis traders instead of spending taxes chasing after them. The health issue is also another case which has to be considered. Proponents of the legalization of cannabis have been arguing that the drug can help patients overcome the difficulties they are undergoing. For example, patients are usually advised by some doctors to take small amounts of cannabis by smoking to reduce the pain caused by the diseases they are undergoing (Grant et al, 2012). Furthermore, Grant et al (2012) show that the use of cannabis by patients who have undergone neurosurgery reduces the pain, hence increasing the patients’ hope of fast recovery. Cancer patients side effect could be reduced by advising them to smoke cannabis, which reduces side effects caused by cancer drugs, including nausea and vomiting. HIV/AI Ds Patient who on Anti-retroviral drugs could also benefit from the use of cannabis to curb the side effects such lack of appetite, which could help them prevent other issues which like weight loss. Patients can then prolong their life and eat just like any other people. From the research it was also found that short sighted people could benefit from the use of cannabis which reduces the side effects they have when they are on drugs to reduce the effects of short-sightedness. Hall et al (2001) also found that cannabis can be used to curb epilepsy, tetanus or rabies (Hall et al 2001). From this, the UK government should consider decriminalizing cannabis for the benefit of ailing

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The potential benefits for supply chain management by utilizing AHP Dissertation

The potential benefits for supply chain management by utilizing AHP for supplier selection - Dissertation Example 1993). Under such circumstances, the purchasing department plays an important role in cost reduction, of which supplier selection is an important part. To illustrate, an issue has been brought up in the case study. Leading companies need to maintain their position in market; however, cost of production constitutes the problem of company expanding or technology innovation. Supplier selection is a multi-criteria problem which includes both quantitative and qualitative factors. (Ghodsypour, S. H.,1996). The companies that still continue with the traditional method of supplier selection may lose competitiveness. Acknowledgement First and foremost, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Louis Knight, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar, who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of this thesis. Without her enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, I could not have completed my thesis. I shall extend my thanks to Felix, Li for all his kindness and help. I would also like to thank all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to Mary, Liu, for doing the English typographic and corrections. Dr. Louis Knight, Aston University, Engineering and Applied Science. Felix Li, University of Warwick, Statistics department. Mary Liu, Olympia Education Service LTD. Contents Abstract 3 Acknowledgement 4 Table of Figures 7 Photo credit: 7 List of Tables 8 Chapter 1: Introduction 9 1.1 Introduction 9 1.2 Background 3 Chapter 2:Literature review 4 2.1 Supplier selection in SCM 4 2.1.1 Benefits of supply chain management 4 2.1.2 Responsibilities of the purchasing department 5 2.1.3 Supplier selection: Criteria affect choosing suppliers in supply chain management 8 2.1.4 Supplier performance of Tsingtao Company 10 2.2 Analytical Hierarchal Process 11 2.2.1 Analytic Hierarchy Process - Concept 11 2.2.2 AHP in supplier selection 12 Chapter 3:Methodology 13 3.1 Research objective 13 3.2 Research design 13 3.3 Data collection 13 3.4 Research method 17 3.4.1 Case study (why & how) 17 3.4.2 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) 19 Chapter 4:Findings 21 4.1Characteristics of purchasing supply chain in beer industry 21 4.2 Supplier selection using AHP analysis 27 4.2.1 Building the supplier evaluation criteria system 27 4.2.2 Building judgment matrix 27 4.2.3 Defining first-level criteria weights 28 1.Calculating maximum eigenvalue of the judging matrix 29 2.B is the judgment matrix B= (b) nn 29 3.Calculate consistency test 29 4.From the table of average and random consistency criteria, it can find the necessary average and random consistency criteria RI. 29 Chapter 5:Main Findings and discussion 33 5.1 Findings 33 5.2 Discussion 35 5.2.1 35 5.2.2 Sensitivity analysis 35 Chapter 6:Conclusion 36 36 Reference 37 Appendixes 42 Table of Figures Figure 1: Current method of supplier selection 15 Figure 2: Agenda of having suppliers 16 Figure 3: Definition of terms 16 Figure 4: Criteria for supplier elevation 27 Photo credit: Cover page: List of Tables Table 1: Supplier evaluation

Directors responsibilities with regard to avoidance of tax Assignment

Directors responsibilities with regard to avoidance of tax - Assignment Example The firm accepts that the government has legal powers and can to take a share of the company’s profits away. Different countries have different tax rates and they must they paid as they are part of the rules and regulations of the country. If they are avoided they company would not be held socially responsible. It is agreed that the company can take all lawful measures to reduce the tax rates. But any illegal mean to avoid paying tax would result in avoid of taxes which has a negative multiplier effect on the company and its profitability. The duty of the director of a company is to have a good faith; an element that would promote the company following corporate social responsibility as it would be a benefit for the society on a whole. This would result in a positive multiplier effect in the long run and improve its relations with other stakeholders. A good reputation would be built if they pay the exact amount of tax otherwise they would not maintain a high standard of reputa tion in the market, thereby losing its credibility and goodwill. Tax evasion is practiced by directors illegally and it gives a smudge to the reputation of the company as a whole. But they live in a fool’s paradise if thy think it would not be known to general population and from that immature act they lose their credibility forever. This leads to customers driving away from the company as well. Recently, some multi-nationals have been found to be avoiding paying taxes in millions despite their enormous sales. The examples are Starbucks, Google, Amazon, Facebook and eBay but due to media coverage these multi-nationals have come under severe scrutiny. In countries like UK, businesses prosper because they have portrayed a good social and responsible image for its customers and there is a trust factor. They do this by not providing transparency in the accounts shared by the public. Via doing such an act they are on the verge of becoming directors of an insolvent firm. This would be a threat to the company’s long term profitability. Thus the directors must understand that taxes are a form of cost just like wages, rent, etc. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS ON COMPANY DIRECTORS IMPOSED THROUGH DIRECTORS’ DUTIES It is a natural phenomena in the modern world that governments run on the taxes paid by it’s citizens.1 The expenditures of a state have to be met by the taxes paid. The companies earning more have a bigger share in taxes than the ones earning less. The issue arises when multi-nationals earning in billions use legal strategies to avoid paying taxes. Having made legal grounds to undertake this, their action cannot be termed illegal and they cannot be held accountable in court.2 Such cases have recently come on the scene, thanks to the media reporting, but what can be done about it is still an issue. A director is a high-level employee of the company and is responsible for the company’s performance and answerable to it’s employer, th at is, the company. A director is not dutiful to the members of that company, and this also leaves out the company’s creditors and members. So, a director owes its trust element to the company only and this is determined by

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The potential benefits for supply chain management by utilizing AHP Dissertation

The potential benefits for supply chain management by utilizing AHP for supplier selection - Dissertation Example 1993). Under such circumstances, the purchasing department plays an important role in cost reduction, of which supplier selection is an important part. To illustrate, an issue has been brought up in the case study. Leading companies need to maintain their position in market; however, cost of production constitutes the problem of company expanding or technology innovation. Supplier selection is a multi-criteria problem which includes both quantitative and qualitative factors. (Ghodsypour, S. H.,1996). The companies that still continue with the traditional method of supplier selection may lose competitiveness. Acknowledgement First and foremost, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Louis Knight, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar, who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of this thesis. Without her enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, I could not have completed my thesis. I shall extend my thanks to Felix, Li for all his kindness and help. I would also like to thank all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to Mary, Liu, for doing the English typographic and corrections. Dr. Louis Knight, Aston University, Engineering and Applied Science. Felix Li, University of Warwick, Statistics department. Mary Liu, Olympia Education Service LTD. Contents Abstract 3 Acknowledgement 4 Table of Figures 7 Photo credit: 7 List of Tables 8 Chapter 1: Introduction 9 1.1 Introduction 9 1.2 Background 3 Chapter 2:Literature review 4 2.1 Supplier selection in SCM 4 2.1.1 Benefits of supply chain management 4 2.1.2 Responsibilities of the purchasing department 5 2.1.3 Supplier selection: Criteria affect choosing suppliers in supply chain management 8 2.1.4 Supplier performance of Tsingtao Company 10 2.2 Analytical Hierarchal Process 11 2.2.1 Analytic Hierarchy Process - Concept 11 2.2.2 AHP in supplier selection 12 Chapter 3:Methodology 13 3.1 Research objective 13 3.2 Research design 13 3.3 Data collection 13 3.4 Research method 17 3.4.1 Case study (why & how) 17 3.4.2 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) 19 Chapter 4:Findings 21 4.1Characteristics of purchasing supply chain in beer industry 21 4.2 Supplier selection using AHP analysis 27 4.2.1 Building the supplier evaluation criteria system 27 4.2.2 Building judgment matrix 27 4.2.3 Defining first-level criteria weights 28 1.Calculating maximum eigenvalue of the judging matrix 29 2.B is the judgment matrix B= (b) nn 29 3.Calculate consistency test 29 4.From the table of average and random consistency criteria, it can find the necessary average and random consistency criteria RI. 29 Chapter 5:Main Findings and discussion 33 5.1 Findings 33 5.2 Discussion 35 5.2.1 35 5.2.2 Sensitivity analysis 35 Chapter 6:Conclusion 36 36 Reference 37 Appendixes 42 Table of Figures Figure 1: Current method of supplier selection 15 Figure 2: Agenda of having suppliers 16 Figure 3: Definition of terms 16 Figure 4: Criteria for supplier elevation 27 Photo credit: Cover page: List of Tables Table 1: Supplier evaluation

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Discusses the current state-of-the-art in an area of electrical Research Paper

Discusses the current state-of-the-art in an area of electrical engineering and computer science that you are interested - Research Paper Example nd mobile software, however, every mobile application has specific mobile software that defines its characteristics and requirements depending on the data processing need at hand. Generally, with the availability of the Internet, intranet or any other respective communication links, mobile devices enable a user to take a computer and all crucial files, folders, and software out into the field and to work as if he/she were in the office (Masco et al, 17). Mobile computing relies on the principle of mobile voice communication whose technology has been recently extended to include the ability for one to send and receive data across cellular networks. A number of hardware that support mobile computing are available and include mobile devices and device components like Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Smartphone, tablet computers, ultra-mobile PCs, and wearable computers to name but a few (Mascolo et al, 19). With these devices, there is efficiency in communication and for business people who are constantly on the move, the concept of mobile computing serves to solve the problem of mobility through the transmission of data from remote locations. The dominant technology in the mobile data communication market today that enables mobile computing is the Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD), though; a number of alternative technologies are available such as the Circuit Switched Cellular, Specialized Mobile Radio, and Wireless Data Networks. The basic principle of the CDPD technology is the usage of idle time that is available in between existing signals sent across the cellular networks. This technology usually comes with the advantage of low cost of data transmission since the idle time is not chargeable. Fixed users are provided with a fixed physical link to the CDPD network allowing them to connect to the network while mobile users connect to the network using a packet-switched system. In case the CDPD facilities do not exist, this technology utilizes the concept of

Addiction in Adults and Its Effects on Their Children Essay Example for Free

Addiction in Adults and Its Effects on Their Children Essay When thinking about drug addiction in adults, one often thinks about and wonders how and when an adult starts or becomes addicted to drugs. Studies have shown that people who have become addicted to drugs from various causes of society. Daily stress of everyday life, some people are forced to start drugs in certain situations, the process and life of a person dealing with drug addiction during pregnancy, the use of drugs during pregnancy, and the effects of drug use during pregnancy; just to name a few. See more: Foot Binding In China essay According to Authors: Lawrence Robinson, Melinda Smith, M. A. , and Joanna Saisan, M. S. W. Last updated: January 2012, â€Å"Many first try drugs out of curiosity, to have a good time, because friends are doing it, or in an effort to improve athletic performance or ease another problem; such as stress, anxiety, or depression. Drug abuse and addiction is less about the amount of substance consumed or the frequency, and more to do with the consequences of drug use. No matter how often or how little you’re consuming, if your drug use is causing problems in your life—at work, school, home, or in your relationships—you likely have a drug abuse or addiction problem. † Drug addiction leads adult down the road of consequences, which such consequences could lead to pregnancy and childbirth. Some addicts may try to clean up during pregnancy however; there are plenty of people addicted to drugs so bad that it consumes their mind. Society has to take in account that there have been studies done on the effects of a parent addicted to drugs raising children. One can find facts that have found that there are parents that are considered functioning drug addicts. Some drug addicted parents are not involved in their children’s life. Now this leads society to wonder about some of the effects that the child may experience. Some children may have serious or several health issues when they are born addicted to drugs. Experts have also shown that some children may not have a medical issue but may experience mental and emotional issues at the same time. According to Lisa Levin, student of psychology, the University of Umea, Sweden, under guidance by Gunborg Palme, certified psychologist, certified psychotherapist, teacher and tutor in psychotherapy, â€Å"The American psychologist Janet G. Woititz was one of the first who paid real attention to the situation for adult children of addicts, with her book Adult Children of Alcoholics. In this book, she elucidated various characteristics that she found in many of these adult children. † Drug ddiction in adults can lead to a world of destruction for both the parents and children. Children can be removed from the home and placed in foster care. Sometimes these children experience terrible situations such as molestation and abuse. However, in other circumstances where some drug addicted adults willing give their children up to family members to rise. At times some of these children can lead down the path of drugs as well. It is being proven that some kids born addicted to drugs have also done drugs as a teenager and adult. In cases children will even sell drugs, work in adult clubs and entertainment, participate in prostitution, and even have children at early ages. But still one can find some of these children also can have a successful story and go down a completely different path, such as success, college, financial stability, or even religious background. The individual is the one that makes the choice on what path they will take in life. Lisa Levin also stated, â€Å"Children of addicts are more likely to develop their own substance abuse and social behavior problems than other children. According to certain researchers, the risk is twice as high, while others estimate the risk to be 4-9 times higher. † Personal thoughts on drug addiction in adults and the effects it has on their children would have to be so many that run through my head. I believe that children have the chose to make two options in their lives. Since dealing with family members who were and are addicted to drugs and their children have graduate from college, work a good job which pays good money, are married and have a family. I have at the same token had cousins that have also been addicted to drugs, prostitution, selling drugs, end up in jail, and have even died following the wrong path in their life. We all have to be responsible for ourselves and live life accordingly. I don’t believe that all children have bad effects of drug addicted parents. I believe they can choose to live a better life and change their situation for the better. One must always find the confidence, drive, and determination to want to make their life what they desire. When being a witness to both sides of the fence, bias is up in the air for now.

Monday, October 14, 2019

4th Generation Mobile Phones Information Technology Essay

4th Generation Mobile Phones Information Technology Essay ABSTRACT 4G technology is a transition from the earlier technology i.e. 3G technology and it promises to bring some of the revolutionary changes in the mobile world which will be very favorable for the mobile users. Fasters data and IP packet transmissions and a lot of other applications like high quality voice and multimedia in real-time anywhere across the globe are some incontrovertible features of the 4G mobile phones. This switching of the technologies are promised to be accomplished by the end of this commercial year by a number of mobile carriers like VERIZON and ATT. Thus mobile users will be enjoying the best of the mobile phone technology by the end of the year. 4G technology is supposed to be the best because all the flaws that were experienced in the former ones are tried to eliminate in this one to give the best results to the users. FOURTH GENERATION MOBILE PHONES (4G) INTRODUCTION: Since past some decades cell phone world has experienced a considerable amount of transition. This transition initiated from the First generation (1G) mobile phones carried forward by the 2G and 2.5G mobile phones. Nowadays, people are habituated of using the 3G technology. But the technologies and inventions are ever-restless and therefore the cell phone industry is again hopping with a great speed towards the Fourth generation (4G) technology. 4G mobile phone technology is a complete replacement of wireless communication in 3G technology. Like the transition of 2G technology to 3G technology had increased data-transmission speeds, the transition from  3G  technology to 4G technology promises even higher data rates than existed in previous generations and thus considered to be a successor to 2G and 3G standards. 4G promises voice, data and high-quality multimedia in real-time (streamed) form all the time and anywhere (Fendelman, n.d, Para 03). NOMENCLATURE: The fundamental nature of the service is responsible for the typical nomenclature of the cell phone generations. Analogue technology was flipped from first generation to the digital technology in the second generation. Third generation was designed with multimedia support which is now going to flip to the fourth generation where transmission of data and IP packets is faster than the former generations.A 4G system is expected to provide a comprehensive and secure all-IP based solution where facilities such as IP telephony, ultra-broadband Internet access, gaming services and streamed multimedia may be provided to users (4G and Beyond 3G Technology, n.d. Para 05). Thus switching to the 4G is like moving from a dial up internet connection to a cable or DSL which can make all the works done fasters and faster than the previous ones. 4G marks the end of the traditional CDMA/GSM divide (German, 2010 March 15, Para 04). TYPES: There are 2 main types of 4G one of which is the Long-term evolution LTE and the other one is mobile WI-MAX. LTE: A natural extension of the current 3G technology is the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) which is also referred as the pre-4G technology. Transmission of all data including voice takes place as LTE is architectural design that can send all types of IP packets and data. For a 20 MHz channel the downlink transmission bit rate of LTE up to 100 Mbps and 50 Mbps in the uplink and the bit rate capacity increases for a  Multiple-input multiple-output  (MIMO)( 4G and Beyond 3G Technology,n.d. Para 05). According to German (2010, March 15) some of the well-known mobile carriers in United States like VERIZON and ATT and several across the globe would convert their network to LTE and worlds first publicly available LTE-service was opened in the two Scandinavian capitals  Stockholm  and  Oslo  on the 14 December 2009. VERIZON said that LTE testing in Seattle and Boston has gone well and that it will bring the technology to 25 to 30 markets this year (German, 2010 March 15, Para 06).  Acco rding to the VERIZON, downloading speeds of 40Mbps to 50Mbps and upload speeds of 20Mbps to 25Mbps (German, 2010 March 15, Para 06). However according to Nelson and Pica (2010, March 3) the average speeds will range from 5Mbps to 12Mbps for downloads and 2Mbps to 5Mbps for uploads. In contrast ATT has announced that they will begin LTE testing in this commercial year and launch their network in the upcoming year 2011 (German 2010 March 15, Para 07). LTE is not only being planned to launch by the end of this year in United Stats but also the Telco Mobile One (M1) in Singapore conducted a demo of LTE technical trial. Also NTT Do Como will the first to introduce LTE in Japan this year itself. WI-MAX: WI-MAX is elaborated as Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, and unlike LTE it is not an extension of current cellular system rather its more related to current Wi-Fi technology. The initial version for mobile use is based on the 802.16e wireless standard (Wi-Fi is 802.110) (German, 2010 March 15, Para 11). It has potential for very long range transmission (up to 30 miles) and could offer speeds of about 10Mbps (German, 2010 March 15, Para 11).   Where all the majority mobile carriers are interested in using the LTE the only US carrier to adopt the Wi-max technology is SPRINT. SPRINT has a Wi-max network in 27 cities and shows potential average speeds of 3Mbps to 6Mbps with maximum speed up to 10Mbps. FEATURES: The 4G standards were thought to be introduced in order to facilitate users by some of the most incredible features that includes providing flexible channel bandwidth between 5MHz to 20MHz to a maximum extent up to 40 MHz. Also a data rate of at least 100Mbps between any two locations across the globe. It also promises to provide a maximum Link spectral efficiency in downlink up to 15bit/s/Hz and 6.75bit/s/Hz in uplink which means 1000Mbps in downlink should be possible over less than 67 MHz bandwidth. Furthermore the system spectral efficiency for downlink of 3bit/s/Hz/cell and for uplink it is 2.25 bit/s/Hz/cell. Ultimately 4G has all the flaws recovered that were noticeably found in the former standards. SPECIFICATION: ACCESS TECHNIQUES: 4G exhibited increase in efficiency and ability in terms of the access techniques used for it. Plain TDMA i.e. Time division multiple access and FDMA i.e. Frequency division multiple access were used in he 1G technology. But TDMA is less efficient as it is unable to handle high data rate channels. This is because TDMA requires large guard periods to improve the multipath impact. Similarly there were problems with FDMA as it used more bandwidth to avoid inter-carrier interferences. Thus to overcome these problems in the 2G technology one set along with the combination of TDMA and FDMA other set of access scheme was introduced which is known as the CDMA i.e. Carrier division multiple access. Thereby the system capacity was increased but as a drawback placed a soft limit on it rather than the hard limit (i.e. a CDMA network will not reject new clients when it approaches its limits, resulting in a denial of service to all clients when the network overloads) (Rumney M, 2008). Data rate is increased as this access technique is able to manage multiple path channel. This enabled the third generation systems, such as  IS-2000,  UMTS,  HSXPA,  1xEV-DO,  TD-CDMA  and TD-SCDMA, to use CDMA as the access scheme(Rumney M, 2008). Although CDMA technique seems to be good so far yet it suffers from poor spectral flexibility and computationally intensive time domain equalization for wideband channels. More importance is given to the OFDMA i.e.Orthogonal FDMA, IFDMA i.e. Interleaved FDMA, SFDMA i.e. Single carrier FDMA and MFDMA i.e.Multicarrier FDMA because of the troubles in the traditional FDMA, TDMA and CDMA. The later used access schemes are based on efficient FFT (Fast fourier transform) algorithm and frequency domain equalization which would result in lower number of multiplications/s. Also bandwidth can be controlled and a spectrum can be formed in a flexible way. IPv6 SUPPORT: Circuit switched and packet switched networks are the base of the infrastructure of the 3G where as 4G will be based on packet switching only which would require low latency data transmission. Till the time when 4G will be introduced in the market and be a most used device the process of IPv4 address will be exhausted as a result a new version will be essential so that more wireless enabled devices can be supported. So IPv6 is be used to accomplish this task. By increasing the number of  IP addresses, IPv6 removes the need for  Network Address Translation  (NAT), a method of sharing a limited number of addresses among a larger group of devices, although NAT will still be required to communicate with devices that are on existing  IPv4  networks (Morr, D 2009). SOFTWARE-DESIGN RATIO (SDR): SDR  is one form of open wireless architecture (OWA) (Rumney, 2008). The final version out in the market of the 4G device will be a perfect combination of the former standards. This can be realized efficiently using SDR technology, which is categorized to the area of the radio convergence (Rumney, 2008). INDISTINGUISHABLE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The 4G iphone which is going to be launched as soon as possible is promised to multitasking which allows accomplishing one of more iphone applications at the same time and also lets to continue the applications running in the background even if the user makes or takes a call. Verizon is launching the 4G phone six months before the expectation because of some of the incontrovertible features of 4G that lures world towards itself. HTC HD3 and HTC HD2 are going to be 4G phones. CONCLUSION: Last but not the least the advancement in technology i.e. transition from the current 3G and 2.5G to 4G will make a drastic change in context of data transmissions which will be able to carried in some fraction of seconds. It will be definitely proved very helpful to the future generations. REFRENCES: Open wireless open mobile. (n.d.) Retrieved from Fendelman, A. (n.d.) Retrieved from    Choney, S. (2008, April 15) Retrieved from 4G Phones (n.d.) Retrieved from German, K (2010, March 15) Retrieved from,39050603,62061890,00.htm Att (2010, February 18) Retrieved from Pica, T Nelson, J (2010, March 8) Retrieved from Koh, D (2010, March 3) Retrieved from 4G. Retrieved from 4G and Beyond 3G Technology (n.d.) Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

ear Essay -- essays research papers

The ear is an organ of the body that is used for hearing and balance. It is connected to the brain by the auditory nerve and is composed of three divisions, the external ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The greater part of which is enclosed within the temporal bone. The ear is looked upon as a miniature receiver, amplifier and signal-processing system. The structure of the outer ear catching sound waves as they move into the external auditory canal. The sound waves then hit the eardrum and the pressure of the air causes the drum to vibrate back and forth. When the eardrum vibrates its neighbour the malleus then vibrates too. The vibrations are then transmitted from the malleus to the incus and then to the stapes. Together the three bones increase the pressure which in turn pushes the membrane of the oval window in and out. This movement sets up fluid pressure waves in the perilymph of the cochlea. The bulging of the oval window then pushes on the perilymph of the scala vestibuli. From here the pressure waves are transmitted from the scala vestibuli to the scala tympani and then eventually finds its way to the round window. This causes the round window to bulge outward into the middle ear. The scala vestibuli and scala tympani walls are now defor med with the pressure waves and the vestibular membrane is also pushed back and forth creating pressure waves in the endolymph inside the cochlear duct. These waves then causes the membrane to vibrate, which in turn cause the hairs cells of the spiral organ to move against the tectorial membrane. The bending of the stereo cilia produces receptor potentials that in the end lead to the generation of nerve impulses. The External or Outer Ear - comprises of the auricle or pinna which is the fleshy part of the outer ear. It is cup-shaped and collects and amplifies sound waves which then passes along the ear canal to the ear drum or tympanic membrane. The rim of the auricle is called the helix and the inferior portion is called the lobule. The external auditory canal is a carved tube and contains a few hair and ceruminous glands which are specialized sebaceous or oil glands. These secrete ear wax or cerumen. Both the hairs and the cerumen help prevent dust and foreign objects from entering the ear. A number of people produce large amounts of cerumen, and this sometimes cause the build up to be impacted and can bri... ...on on the position of the head in space for static equilibrium making it essential for maintaining appropriate posture and balance, where as dynamic they detect linear acceleration and deceleration. There are two kinds of cells in the two maculae, hair cells and supporting cells. The hair cells are the sensory receptors. Laying over the hair cells are columnar supporting cells that probably secrete the thick, gelatinous, glycoprotein layer called the otolithic membrane and over the membrane is a layer of dense calcium carbonate crystals called otoliths. When the head is tilted, the otoliths shift, and the hairs beneath respond to the change in pressure and bending the hair bundles. Dynamic equilibrium functions in the three semicircular ducts, the saccule and the utricle. The two ventical ducts are the anterior and posterior semicircular ducts. The lateral semicircular duct is horizontal. In the dilated portion of each duct, the ampulla, is a small elevation called the crista. This contains hair cells and supporting cells which are also covered by a mass of gelatinous material which is called cupula. When the head moves the attached semicircular ducts and hair cells move with it.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Analysis of Closing Speech in Dr. Faustus :: Christopher Marlowe

Analysis of Dr. Faustus' Closing Speech Doctor Faustus’ closing speech is unquestionably the most emotional scene in Dr. Faustus. His mind moves from idea to idea in desperation. It highlights the many times that Faustus could have repented, but did not. Yet he shows remorse, calling upon the Christian view that all who repent will be saved, however, this does not hold true for Faustus, indicating that Marlowe is not writing this scene from a Christian point of view. Faustus’ mind is fraught with despair in his final, closing speech. It jumps frantically from thought to thought: one moment he is begging time to stop, or slow down, the next second, he is pleading to Christ for mercy and salvation. He asks to be hidden, the next instant he is asking for his punishment in hell to last ‘A hundred thousand [years], and at last be saved’ (1.13.95). These various attempts to escape his imminent doom ultimately lead to him to realise that the situation is entirely his fault, just before midnight, he finally realises to ‘curse [him] self’ (1.13.106). This extremely passionate remorse leads to a recurring theme in the play, namely, the reasons behind him not repenting at earlier stages. Faustus’ arrogance, perhaps, is the chief reason behind the rejection of penitence. He deceives himself into believing either hell is not so bad, or that it does not exist at all. Perhaps he is afraid of Mephastophilis tearing his body apart. Even close to the end, in the penultimate scene, Faustus is seen, eager to ‘confirm/ [His] former vow’ (1.12.62-63). This suggests that Faustus’ delusion continues until his time is up, perhaps he has served the devil for so long he has lost any thought of breaking free of his pact. In the speech, Faustus turns to Christ, asking that the Christian doctrine that repentance can be accepted at any time in one’s life be granted to save him. Significantly, he is not rescued. This shows that this play is not written from an entirely Christian perspective, as Faustus would have been saved. However, it could be argued that something within Faustus ‘pulls [him] down’ (1.13.71) from leaping ‘up to [his] God’ (1.13.71), and therefore keeping the Christian principle intact. The pathetic actions that Faustus performs when he gets ultimate power seem to indicate that Faustus has wasted his soul.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Analysis Unit 7 Essay

After nineteen years working as a plant maintenance engineer, employee Bob Thomas was terminated after Jean Lipski the Human Resources Director discovered that Bob was involved in starting a union at the Apollo Corporation. This case will answer the questions: 1. what, if any violation of the law did Apollo Corporation commit? 2. What may be the arguments that Jean Lipski and Bob Thomas use to defend their cases? The case study will also briefly list things mangers should not do to commit unfair labor practices. Review/Analysis of the Case Apollo Corporation is a company that makes component parts for the communication industry. Bob Thomas a Plant Maintenance engineer worked for the company for nineteen years. During the previous five years of his employment his attendance was insufficient, he was a complainer, and also was reported as being a troublemaker. The Apollo Corporation had a laid-back type of atmosphere. As a result of the companies not enforcing the policies strictly and applying disciplinary action against employees not conforming to company policy and a failure to comply with such polices were never put to use (Bohlander 2007). Apollo Corporation is involved in highly competitive industry to produce; HR Director Jean Lipski met with the managers during several meetings and instructed them to exercise their supervisory relationship employees. The employees that did not adhere to HR policies would have disciplinary action against them. Bob and several of the employees were not happy of hearing about the enforcement of the policies. Bob also began to worry about his job, because his attendance was so poor and being labeled as troublemaker and complainer. So Bob contacted the union organizer of the Brotherhood of Machine Engineers. Bob conveyed to the union organizer that he wanted to start a union drive in the company. After a week went by fliers were handed out to the employees about a union meeting. Jean Lipski found out that employees were putting together a meeting to discuss being a union and Bob was the leader of the campaign, Jean called Bob Thomas into her office and terminated his employment with company on the basis of his unsatisfactory work performance and less than perfect attendance. Bob immediately called the union organizer and informed him of his discharge from The Apollo Corporation. Bob and the union organizer immediately headed to the regional office of the NLRB to file unfair labor practice charge against The Apollo Corporation for involvement to unionize the company. Analysis of Findings Apollo Corporation could be charged with unfair labor practices of the National Labor Relations Board (Belcourt, 2004). The National Labor Relations Act, section 7 states â€Å"employees have the right to self-organization, to form, join or assist labor organization. †(p597) Bob Thomas termination happened shortly after he contacted a union organizer and started an campaign for a meeting to be held so that the employees could become unionized Jean Lipski arguments could be based off the fact that Bob had a record of poor attendance and unsatisfactory performance on the job and that was reason for his dismissal. Jean also could argue that she had conducted meetings with the managers to enforce the performance polices and that they were already being set in place and the fact that Bob contacted a union organizer was only to secure his job, because of his lack of performance. Bob Thomas could argue that he was discharged for his involvement in trying to unionize the company. Bob could point out the fact that The Apollo Corporation had been lax in their disciplinary practices in the past and he never suffered any repercussions for his poor performance, until he contacted a union organizer. He could further argue that his termination after contacting an organizer is a violation of the employee right to organize. Recommendations In order for this type of case to never happen again managers need to be aware of the unfair labor practices. Managers should not hire, promote or terminate employees on the basis of their union membership or gender, race and even religion (Belcourt 2004). Meetings should be held with both managers and employees. Most important, disciplinary policies should be enforced from the beginning of employment. Summary and Conclusions . This case study showed how an employee and a company not following their company policies from the beginning of employment can turn into a legal conflict involving the union. Employers have to practice fair labor and be knowledgeable of union practices in order to protect themselves from being accused or sued for discrimination.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Study Analysis on The Process of Information Technology

In the world of today, the process of information technology is a part of organizations due to the importance of information systems. These are the processes through which one derives solutions to the challenges faced in organizational and management problems. There is also a view among experts that the quantity of interaction between the IT department of the organization and other units are what determines the success of any organization. The entire process of IT can be used in a centralized or decentralized manner. The structure of IT in any organization should provide assistance in its strategy and must conduct the needed research for this purpose. (Centralized versus Decentralized Information Systems in Organizations) Today, several organizations in all sectors of industry, commerce and government are based on their information systems. In some industries like telecommunications, media, entertainment and financial services, the survival of the organization itself depends on how efficiently it applies to information technology — IT. A new system called e-commerce has now burst into the arenas of international trade, and that makes IT as a method of conducting modern business. This is now changing the attitudes of the business leaders and IT is no longer only a method of performing existing business, but should also be used for development as that is expected to provide advantages in competition. Thus many organizations today want to develop a more strategic approach to their use of IT, but more have probably arrived at their present situation due to their adoption of short-term ‘tactical' decisions with IT. The Evolving Role of Information Systems and Technology in Organizations: A Strategic Perspective) At the same time, many organizations would wish that it were possible to rethink their investments, or begin with a clean sheet, but that is impossible as they have a ‘legacy' system built up from their approach to IT in the past. It is not possible to start again as we can see that many banks and insurance companies still focus on systems that they had developed over 30 years back. It is also not required as IT is not the only determinant of success unless the ability and knowledge of the organization have increased radically. (The Evolving Role of Information Systems and Technology in Organizations: A Strategic Perspective) The important part of strategic management depends on learning from experience which means the successes and failures of the past. The results achieved through IT helps only through experiences and experimental analysis that it provides. Thus, it should not be viewed as an essential component for strategic decisions. The main advantage that IT provides to organizations is that IT helps in the processing of information much faster so that uncertainty can be lower. The uncertainty comes from lack of knowledge, or information, even though it may be possessed at power levels. The advantage with IT is that the information can be collected, gathered and processed in a faster manner. (Benbunan-Fich, 2002) Though most organizations are trying to use for quite some time to solve these problems, it is unlikely that any organization has been exposed to the entire range of experiences in IT. Still it is important to study the process of development of IT in large organizations as that may be of use in the general evaluation of development of IT in another organization. In general it is known that there are some important matters that result in the speed and effectiveness of IT in organizations. The importance of the different factors in the list changes over time, but it is still important to make a note of the list of the factors. (The Evolving Role of Information Systems and Technology in Organizations: A Strategic Perspective) Those are the capabilities of the organization, the economics of the technology that the organizations following, the applications that the organization is carrying out and their feasibility, the skills and availabilities that are available within the organization or from outside vendors, the capacity of the organization and it ability to use the applications and the overall pressures that exist on the organization or the entire industry to improve performances. What we are talking about here is Information Technology with the insistence on technology and that means hardware, software and telecommunication links. This form of technology has both items that one can see and feel, like servers, desktops and network cables; as also items that cannot be touched but only paid for, like software. At the same time, the world is moving to a digital era, and it is IT that helps in the collection, processing, storing, developing and sharing of all these items. At the same time, there are also differences in terms for referring to the entire process and what is called IT in the states is called Information and communication Technologies in the European Union. This is the item that we are referring to though at times in the past, the two were seen as clearly different areas. (The Evolving Role of Information Systems and Technology in Organizations: A Strategic Perspective) The next important question is to find out how this technology helps us. The first area of help is in business strategy and this helps by creating new opportunities for dynamic changes in products and services. There were some services in the past that had to be handled manually, but can now be handled over the network. The important advantages cone from re-sequencing which includes parallel processing of data bases; simultaneous delivery of data; time extension of data by making it available 24 hours a day and all 365 days in the year; portability or taking the service and product closer to the user; and re-usability or developing the capacity to use the data collected for one purpose to be used for other purposes. There are also changes to organizational culture and that is the second most important development. The Impact of IT on Organizations) This is through devices like electronic mail and group ware. Information can now flow much faster between organizations and their clients. The changes in organizational culture have also led to changes in organization structures, and this has happened due to the larger spans of control and greater use of group ware. A lot of this has happened due to business process re-engineering and also the requirement to cut costs due to high competition. There have been efforts to find out whether IT encourages increased concentration or increased decentralization has not given out any clear results, but it certainly permits the organizational structure to be more flexible and fluid, dispersed teams and even teams that can come and go with the requirement of changes in the organization. (The Impact of IT on Organizations) This is also leading to changes in management processes and that includes even routine business processes. IT has provided methods for collecting information from many sources, directly and collectively through the use of databases and the Internet. Yet, though it has tried, it cannot still replace certain decision making that has to take place in groups and in meeting rooms as there is certainly the need for a master facilitator who can take the group discussion to an end. At the same time it can be seen that the impact of IT is leading to changes in the methods of professional work today. Practically all offices of today use personal computers and the availability of ready information has made the job expectation also to involve greater levels of knowledge. This is in addition to the earlier required skills of organizing, thinking, writing, convincing, etc. Now, in addition to doing all that, the managers of today are combining the greater knowledge that they are collecting. All the changes in situations due to the use of IT have also come as it is now essential for most people to have direct access to it while they are working. At the same time, IT itself has to find out methods of controlling the flow of information so that all information does not reach everybody. (The Impact of IT on Organizations) At the same time, a situation has come where the organizations have to now determine whether IT should be a separate department, or become a part of all departments. The different systems suit different organizations. It should be remembered that IT itself has some goals and that may be said to be innovation and efficiency. Yet, innovation is necessarily cost conscious and the organization has to determine the levels of different goals. (Centralized versus Decentralized Information Systems in Organizations) The most interesting and probably intriguing part of development of IT has been concerning Internet, and a stage has now come through which this medium has started influencing the environment, which is the biggest concern of the world of today. In the recent trade talks also, it was seen that United States has decided to retain its control over it. Does it mean that we are about to find a new source of business?

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Analysis of the Problems of XYZ Company Assignment

Analysis of the Problems of XYZ Company - Assignment Example Herein, it should be noted that the XYZ Company is a well-known company in the food manufacturing industry. The company is having the number of employees working in it. There are several departments within the company. However, the information technology department needs some improvement for that this Yardstick report will provide the solution. In order to improve the information technology security system to keep the confidential information of the company in safe hands, it is necessary that the IT security system should be strong enough. For this, it is possible that the XYZ Company can hire other security service provider company that can help to upgrade their IT security system. As there are different types of risks involved such as the hacker attack, lack of physical security, and risks from internal employees (Whitman & Mattord, 2010). Therefore, a strong IT security system can be the best solution for the XYZ Company. The internal employees are responsible to keep the information confidential. However, to keep the information confidential from vendors it is necessary that the employees use software and never share their passwords with any other person. Moreover, it can be said that the associated threats and vulnerabilities can be dealt with the help solutions such as training programs, control, and monitoring system, checklist, and daily basis reports. For all these services, there are many agencies that are developing specific software for the companies. There are few top agencies that are offering these services. In order to select the final service provider for the company, it must be the best in the field of information technology to the organizations and advises best in the business and provide the best security to the systems. Thus, the XYZ Company is seeking the best network security policy and procedure.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Humanities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Humanities - Assignment Example Despite the strong image factor, the West still makes and sells this kind of music successfully across the globe. Thus, music is a Western construct because the West â€Å"makes† music according to its own definitions and classifications of it. Music and/or dance can do things that are different from visual art by using properties that the latter does not contain and by involving couple, group, or community performance. Barnett (2012) provided five propositions of what music is, which does not only set it apart from other forms of noise, but from visual art as well. Music is organized sound, which is different from the organized hues of visual art (Barnett, 2012, p.7). The audience consumes music through their ears, and sometimes through their ears and eyes, while visual art is entirely for the eyes. Moreover, dance is a performance that sometimes requires two or more people participating in its production. The social aspect of its production sets it apart from visual art that can be very single-artist-driven in construction. Dance can also serve several social functions. Dance and its accompanying music act as a â€Å"lens† through which people can find social celebration and community solidarity (Barnett, 2012, p. 23). Dance can refer to rituals and other dances that serve diverse individual and social functions. Individually, people can dance to express themselves or to heal or curse others. Dance and music are common staples in social events too, such as weddings, birthdays, and funerals. Thus, dance and music operate at a different level than visual arts and can also be very social in its production and outcomes. Tango is an important music and dance in Argentina culture, precisely because it originated from Buenos Aires, Argentina. The urban poor developed tango during the 1890s and because of the socioeconomic conditions of its makers, tango was danced more frequently in brothels during this time (Morales, 2003,

Monday, October 7, 2019

Annotated bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18

Annotated Bibliography Example She further studied at University of Colorado earning a B.S., M.S., and a Ph.D. and has nine honorary doctoral degrees (Watson, 2015). She has worked in various learning and health care institutions. She has written more than twenty books both individually and with her colleagues. Her particular interest is in nursing and human caring as demonstrated in her various publications and career practice (Watson, 2015). Watson’s book Human Caring Science: was originally published in 1988 and later edited in 1999. The book expresses her creative ideas developed through observations and her long time experience in the nursing profession. The tone of the book is earnest and friendly. She believes that human caring begins from the inside of a person and extends outwards to other persons in the community. Her publication has been reviewed by a reader and revised to reflect most proximate occurrence in the real life situation of nursing world. This also implies the book is widely read by people with a diverse professional background. This book was intended to elaborate the theory of nursing to academicians and health care practitioners involved in caring for the patients. Also, her message was intended to reach all people as caregiving is a worldwide task (Watson, 2015). Munhall is a psychodynamic therapist and psychoanalyst certified by the national board. She also provides counseling services. She holds the doctorate degree in psychoanalysis from Columbia university in New York. She has practiced for 23 years as psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy (Munhall, 2015). The Family, Health, and Fitness magazine voted her the â€Å"Best of Psychoanalysts this year. She is a full university professor. Her book â€Å"Nursing Research, fifth edition† was published in 2011. She published her first edition in 1986. The book contains broad information based her research findings and long-term experience of dealing with clients of

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Soren Chemical Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Soren Chemical - Case Study Example The sales results have been dwindling and disappointing owing to several strategic and tactical problems (Kasturi & Yong, 2011). The company failed to make the consumers aware of their products and their benefits and Poor communication strategy by the company to retailers and distributors with enquiries. There is an extremely low sale of coracle which was launched for residential pool water clarification In three years time, the company sales can be revived if solutions to curb low sales are properly adopted and implemented. If this is not the case then, it could lead to closure of the company as it has not made any significant sales to ensure its sustainability. If the recommended solutions are carefully implemented, the sales will go up and the company will make profits which could lead to expansion. 1. The pool service professionals and contractors are not aware of the actual value of Coracle. Most of the service professionals believe that Clearblue, a product by a competitor company is more effective and solely reduces the need for other chemicals. Soren chemicals should therefore focus on advertisement to make the professionals aware of the benefits of Coracle. 2. Consumers are unaware of the benefits of coracle. Majority of pool owners maintain their pools by themselves. Since they do not know of the benefits Coracle presents, they settle for what the distributor gives them and mostly cheaper products. Soren chemicals should let the customers in on the positives of using Coracle if they are to increase their sales. 3. Lack of support by the distributors. Using Coracle reduces the need for other pool treatment chemicals by over 20%. This is not a favorite of the distributors and retailers as they are set to sell chemicals and make profits. They fail to mention this to the customers and pass it on as just another pool product (Kasturi & Yong, 2011). 4. Poor communication strategy. There exists a communication gap

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Major Theoretical Perspectives Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Major Theoretical Perspectives - Assignment Example The main question which is put forward by functionalist sociologists is that how is a society kept close together at all times and how is its order maintained? To begin with functionalists concentrate upon two ideas that are closely related to their idea of how societies are held together. Firstly, how is order maintained in our society, and secondly, what are the major reasons behind the stability which exists in our society. Functionalists do not focus upon the differences found in different parts of the society. They in fact focus on how the shared norms, values and mores help create social solidarity and cohesion. (Browne, 2006) The ideas of functionalists are based on the concept of organic analogy. These ideas were initially discussed by patron sociologists like Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim. They explained that the society was like a human body. If there was pain in one part of the body it will affect the functioning of the whole society. Therefore, it was necessary for the society to be in equilibrium. Durkheim ("The Rules of Sociological Method", 1895) emphasizes on two concepts. The first concept is of social solidarity. Solidarity is based upon such things as common culture, socialization, basic values and norms. It is these common ideas which bring about social cohesion in the society thereby, giving it the form of a human body. The second concept is that of collective conscience - the "external expression" of the collective will of people living in a society. This represents the social forces that help bind people together (to integrate them into the collective behavior that is society). It can be likened to the "will" of society. The most popular functionalist of America, Talcott Parsons (1951), focused on the behavior of the people while under the influence of social institutions. For Parsons, the key to the survival of the society was the shared norms and values held by its individual members. Deviation from those norms leads to

Friday, October 4, 2019

Social Policy Essay Example for Free

Social Policy Essay Demonstrate an understanding of the historical and ideological developments of UK social policy, identifying the underpinning principles and values. Social policy is defined as actions aimed at promoting social well being (Alcock). It is not just about state legislation but also about what the government does to support and interfere with the well being of citizens. Policies can be regarded as embodying ideas about society, the economy and views about justice, equality and individual responsibility (Alcock). Social policy as a whole looks at the rules and procedures made by the government to keep the publics best interests at heart. The social policy that is being focused on is Healthcare. In the early 1940s a report was written by a man called William Beveridge, highlighting problems in society. Ever since then, this social policy has been subject to changes and reforms made by each political party in their time of running. Healthcare as a whole has a huge impact on its service users as well as its service workers and I believe it to be one of the most important social policies. In 1942, Beveridge published a report recommending ways that the government could improve post war Britain. He stated that they should begin by tackling the 5 Giant Evils : Want, Squalor, Disease (Health), Ignorance and Idleness. This led to many social reforms and in 1945 when the labour party was elected into power, Clement Atlee was made priminister. This proved to be beneficial for the country and resulted in over 200 acts being passed from 1945 to 1948. One of the acts passed was the National Health Service act passed by the minister for health Aneurin Bevan. He wanted to make sure that every citizen could access the best medical care when they needed it and for it to be free at the point of use. The aim of the NHS was to reduce ill-health and promote good health in all citizens. Between high infant mortality rates and general poor health of the public he knew actions had to be taken. Before the NHS, the 2,700 hospitals were either run by charities or local authorities with only those in employment entitled to free treatment. ( Prior to the actual start of the NHS, many of the working doctors shared a conservative and neoliberal  ideology about this new act. They believe that a government run health service would take away the individuality of their profession and make them ‘puppets of the state’. The conservative party shared these views as well as the British Medical Association, who started a survey voting against the NHS. Conservative politicians had a very right wing approach to things, believing in social hierarchy and believed social inequality to be inevitable. The labour party adopted a collectivist way of thinking. They focused more on those who were disadvantaged and devised ways to improve it which resulted in the introduction of the NHS in 1948. On the 5th July 1948 the NHS was introduced and resulted in free healthcare for UK citizens. In addition it created a mass amount of jobs in the healthcare sector. The Election of Clement Atlee in 1945 proved to be beneficial and resulted in over 200 acts being passed from 1945 to 1948 as well as the NHS act. In 1979 Margaret Thatcher led the conservative party into power. The conservative party shared right wing, neoliberal ideas about the way things were being run. As an individualistic ideology neo liberalism was very much pro market and against public provision and involvement of the state. Thatcher and the conservatives believed that collectivism and free welfare services encouraged lazy people to become dependant on the government.