Sunday, December 29, 2019

Nora s Self Discovery Of A Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen

Nora’s Self Discovery In Henrik Ibsen’s playwright A Doll’s House, there are several observations one can infer about the character Nora, as the reader can see throughout the play. Henrik Ibsen is well - known for his radical playwright publications. During the time that A Doll’s House, was published the public would consider this realistic play quite controversial. The major questionable issue was with the character Nora and her actions in the play. In A Doll’s House Nora is presented in the beginning of the play as an obediate wife and mother, but later she transforms into an independent free thinking women. At first the protagonist, character Nora seems subserviate towards her husband. The reader can infer this by what’s said in the first few lines of the play. Helmer refers to her as his little squirrel and a spendthrift. She doesn’t seem to mind this and in fact she actually plays along with his childish name calling, as the reade r can see in this quote. â€Å"Yes, but, Torvald, this year we can really let ourselves go a little. This is the first Christmas that we have not needed to economize† (Ibsen 770). The reader can also see that Nora cares for her husband greatly as explained here by literary critic, DeVaull. He says Nora’s whole reasoning for borrowing the money and forging her father’s signature was to help her husband get well from his sickness (276). In the beginning the audience sees Nora as a money loving wife and the audience may think that she just wantsShow MoreRelatedA Dolls House Reaction Paper-Drama927 Words   |  4 Pages  Ã‚   Reaction Paper-Drama Angela Ericksen University of Phoenix The play â€Å"A Dolls House† was written by Henrik Ibsen. This play truly is an interesting, play and it really connects with how things can be in real life which helps the readers truly connect with it! Henrik Ibsen,  in full Henrik Johan Ibsen  was a major Norwegian play righter of the late 19th century who introduced to the European stage a new order of moral analysis that was placed against a severely realistic middle-class backgroundRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1717 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"A Doll, a Partner, and a Change† Social movement of women liberation toward equal rights and independence has been a big subject in human history. It happens not only in Europe but also all over the world. Though making progress, this movement has been advancing slowly and encountered backslashes from time to time. Maybe there is something deeply hidden which the society has not figured out yet, even women themselves. What do women want, freedom or good life? Most of the time, they are notRead MoreHenrik Ibsen s A Doll s House885 Words   |  4 Pagesis common to think of Shakespeare and the stories of love, betrayal, and death which are so commonly portrayed in his work. The play a â€Å"A Doll s House† by Henrik Ibsen is not much different than the classics as it exemplifies the loss and anguish endured while pursuing a principal. The play is a modern tragedy following the painful path of Nora s self discovery, which comes at the cost of questioning societal norms and family roles. Her tragic plight i s masked by the comedic, fun loving behaviorRead MoreSymbolism of a Dolls House2840 Words   |  12 Pagesï » ¿Alex Simonton Research Paper Third Period April 15, 2015 Symbolism of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen is perhaps one of the most hotly debated plays to come out of the 19th century.   The eighteen hundreds continued the process of the demystification that began with the Enlightenment.   Because of the discoveries of the Enlightenment, humans could no longer be sure about their place in the universe.   This, of course, had an impact on the theater.   The movement towardRead MoreWomen s Rights By Henrik Ibsen1481 Words   |  6 PagesHenrik Ibsen playwright supports the awareness of women s rights by creating female characters that represent the struggle for freedom from their restricted roles. After years of playing the role of a superficial doll, Nora converts into an assertive and determined woman. The true cause of Nora s transformation starts with a revolution within her. Ibsen dramatizes Nora s discovery of identity by means of various literary techniques. By the finale of the play, Nora has survived a deconstructionRead MoreA Dollà ¢â‚¬â„¢s House by Henrik Ibsen Essay961 Words   |  4 PagesIn Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House, pointedly captures the reality of the Victorian Era within the play. Nora Helmer, the protagonist of the story, represents the typical women in society during that era. The audience’s first impression of Nora is a money obsessed, childish, obedient house wife to her husband, Torvald Helmer. However, as the play progresses one can see that Nora is far from being that typical ideal trophy wife, she is an impulsive liar who goes against society’s norm to be whomRead MoreNora – a Classical Hero in Henrik Ibsens a Doll`S House2683 Words   |  11 PagesNora – A Classical Hero in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll`s House Nora Helmer makes the right decision to free herself from the social and traditional commitments and obligations and come and become an independent individual. Nora Helmer in Isbens A Dolls House lived in the world of predetermined social and societal constraints that made her deprived her of her freedom and happiness. The society in which she lived wanted people to live according to the rigidly set norms and standards of the societyRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Scarlet O Hara896 Words   |  4 Pagesof subordination and distinction between the two genders. In even the most canonized literary works, women are often portrayed as being inadequate. However, there are also many female embodiments of strength, dignity, and passion. Scarlet O’Hara, Nora Helmer, and Edna Pontellier radiate all of these traits, while maintaining their own unique characteristics. They each defy the standard roles of women, and form their own identities in even the most oppressive cultures. Gone With the Wind is regardedRead MoreA Dolls House1307 Words   |  6 PagesA Dolls House: 2. How does the imagery in the play aid the audience to appreciate the themes, the dramatic question(s), of the play? A Dolls House is a play written in 1879 by Henrik Ibsen depicting the story of a couple Nora and Torvald Helmer. The play specifically follows the journey of the character Noras self-discovery and struggle against the oppression of her husband Torvald and the society that he represents. Ibsen uses non-verbal elements such as screen directions and setting descriptionsRead More Reasons Nora Helmer Must Leave Her Husband in Henrik Ibsens A Doll House1720 Words   |  7 PagesReasons Nora Helmer Must Leave Her Husband in Henrik Ibsens A Doll House Foreward: Henrik Ibsens A Doll House (aka A Dolls House) is so rich in moral, political, and metaphysical (if one is to regard such matters as selfhood and identity as metaphysical) insights and criticisms that it is hard to imagine how one could absorb it all in one sitting. Its moral message was very bold in its day and remains so in the more slowly progressing parts of the world, like North America. Institutions

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Cyber Criminals And The National Security - 2126 Words

In these days, internet is more important than ever, and therefore, having security plans will, at least, make things challengeable for hackers. Dinicu (2014) claims that cyber criminals’ threats to the national security are the most dangerous and most recent ones. Also, she writes, hackers’ main focus is more on democratic countries and multinational organizations than the non-democratic countries (Dincu 2014). Fifty years ago, we would not have to worry about internet security because we would not have so much money and privacy depending on internet. But nowadays, our communication, money, traveling, etc. can be affected by one or more cyber criminals. We work and our money comes to us using direct-deposit; we call our loved ones†¦show more content†¦Therefore, it is crucial to learn about the methods that hackers use to steal information. By learning about hacking, we can help ourselves and others to stay safe while using the internet. One of the ways in whi ch hackers steal information from people is physically. In physical hacking, hackers are usually trusted by their victims or have some sort of relationship with them. One example is getting papers that show PII (Personal Identifiable Information) from the garbage cans. According to Arlistch and Edelman (2014), one of the easiest hacking methods is physical hacking. They claim that physical hacking are usually more successful because they are quicker and hackers sometimes find the information they want stored in thumb drives and old devices. The information hackers find sometimes helps them to access victims accounts, and they get more information by finding important data about their victims. In addition to papers, hackers are really interested in thumb drives, old cell phones, and anything that can store information. We may think that we can delete our files from a thumb drive and it is safe to let someone to barrow it or get it after clear the thumb drive and format it, but it is not. In fact, hackers can get many files from the devices and thumb drives that have been formatted multiple times using recovery software programs. In some other cases, hackers have direct access to the

Friday, December 13, 2019

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Paper Free Essays

I. Intro paragraph a. Hook: In the Irish American community of Brooklyn in the 1900’s, immigrants faced discrimination and crushing poverty b. We will write a custom essay sample on A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the world that Betty Smith describes in â€Å"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn† however, this poverty is depicted as a kind of virtue, a force that causes individuals to grow, and families to bond c. Yet, while female characters like Katie and Francie grow from overcoming the hardships brought on by poverty, Francie’s father Johnny Nolan is defeated by it and ends up dying of alcoholism. In the 1900’s, gender roles and social expectations of men and women were more rigid than today, and both sexes were supposed to stay within gender boundaries d. In telling the story of Katie and Johnny Nolan, Betty Smith reveals how often times immigrant women like Katie, who went against gender stereotypes, survived and grew from the hardships of poverty, while men like Johnny, who tried to fulfill their gender role, were defeated by it. II. 1ST Body paragraph a. In the beginning of the novel, he has found a job, but it is as a low paying waiter and unstable. Even so, he dresses with style, is handsome, and seems content being a singing waiter. He is able to bring home money to his wife, Katie. His daughter, Francie always helps him get his bow tie on and he calls her â€Å"pre-Madonna,† then she eagerly awaits his return with her brother Neely, for he always bring back treats like caviar and oysters. They are a happy family. However, Johnny loses his job and his family becomes more and more hungry, but he can’t help them. He can’t find another job i. In the early 1900’s, men were supposed to provide for their family, but as Johnny Nolan illustrates, this was hard for immigrant men. ii. Perhaps not being in control and not being able to bring home money to his family makes him feel like a waste and a failure, for as the story goes on, he drinks more and more until he dies of alcoholism. Katie tries to help her husband, â€Å"She told him it was a good thing, that suffering would harden him, would teach him such a lesson that he’d stop drinking. But poor Johnny just wouldn’t harden. † (P. 98) iii. Johnny grew up with the gender stereotype of the man of the house being the â€Å"breadwinner†, and in the Irish American community in Brooklyn, he cannot fulfill this role. III. 2ND Body paragraph i. Yet, Katie has no choice and even though the cleaning job she finds does not pay well, she goes out to work ii. In contrast, Katie, Francie’s mother, is able to overcome poverty because she breaks down the gender stereotypes of what a married woman should do in her time; Katie goes out of the house to work. At that time, were expected to stay home and be cared for while caring for the children iii. Yet, Katie has no choice and even though the cleaning job she finds does not pay well, she goes out to work. Thus, as she faces poverty, we see Katie rise to the challenge by being flexible. In contrast to Johnny, she is able to experience poverty as a learning experience and change. At one point she says to passersby, â€Å"Look at that tree growing up there out of that grating. It gets no sun, and water only when it rains. It’s growing out of sour earth. And it’s strong because its hard struggle to live is making it strong. My children will be strong that way. † IV. 3RD Body paragraph a. Johnny and Katie Nolan, exemplify a theme of gender difference in the overcoming of poverty for immigrants i. Katie is flexible and able to adapt, so she eventually obtains a better life. She does not stay within her gender role of remaining in the house, but goes out to work. In contrast, Johnny is unable to be as flexible and his stubbornness in keeping within his gender role and his own idea of his responsibility to his family eventually destroys him ii. Betty Smith does not judge Johnny in her novel, but rather portrays him as a sympathetic and highly likeable, but he is a conflicted and ultimately tragic character. V. Conclusion paragraph a. In the patriarchal society of the early 1900’s that Betty Smith describes in her book â€Å"A Tree Grows In Brooklyn†, it would seem logical if women did not fair as well as men in times of difficulty. After all women had fewer rights. They could not vote or get the same wages as men i. By going against gender stereotypes, Katie is able to persevere and overcome poverty, while her husband, Johnny Nolan, who tries to follow them, is defeated iii. In 2012 many women have broken gender boundaries; Hilary Clinton is Secretary of state, Lady Gaga and Beyonce are millionaires and international pop stars. Men too have broken out of gender stereotypes for it is socially acceptable for men to work at home and even earn less than women. In â€Å"A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, â€Å" however, Betty Smith captures a world, gone now, in which strict gender roles defined a person’s life. But for immigrants, trying to make a start in America, the need to adapt and go against these gender roles was critical. How to cite A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Paper, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Question: Discuss about the Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Answer: Introduction: The internal process focuses on the management intervention affecting financial or customer outcomes. Supply chain management involves integration and coordination of downstream and upstream activities starting from the procurement of raw materials to finished goods. The need for communication in supply chain management cannot be overstated (Qiang et al. 2014). Recently, a friend of mine narrated me his horrible experience he had with one of the suppliers. A large number of items had been ordered that was supposed to be put in a large container and shipped to Singapore via the ocean. However, the supplier learnt that all the packets would not fit in the large container that was agreed upon. Rather than alerting about the issue, the supplier made his own decision and removed a large number of products without communication. No warning was provided to my friend or the customers. Upon delivery of the products, the ignorant customers received it in a poor condition. The customers were disappointed as they had waited for the products. This situation would have been avoidable if communication was made by the supplier via email, text or call (Zhu, Sarkis and Lai 2013). Therefore, from the above experience I can infer that communication is the key to supply chain management. It may be painful for the supplier in the beginning, but it shall avoid the customers from getting disappointed. If majority of the time spent by the suppliers is to get worried about the blame for delays, he shall be more likely to upset its customers due to the different ways of doing business. Even when it comes to cooperating with different staffs in the organization, the communication process is strained. Both theoretically and in my opinion, proper communication between suppliers and stakeholders can bring creative ideas and improving the supply chain practices. However, if there is limited communication, the ability of the procurement department may influence the end to end process (Ellram and Cooper 2014). Based on the theoretical concepts and studies, I devised a few steps that a successful individual applies at the organization. These steps are inspired by my friend as he follows them to manage supply chains effectively by improving communications. Firstly, the stakeholders or suppliers need to be prioritised. Secondly, he believes that regular meetings with suppliers and stakeholders must be held. He holds meeting on a weekly basis so that proper communication can be made. My friend also uses email that presents a summary with the suppliers. In my opinion, the best strategy and step is to offer options. A list of options shall influence the stakeholders in communicating well and the decision shall not fall out of hand (Turker and Altuntas 2014). Conclusively, I have learned to be clear with the stakeholders for managing the internal process management effectively. Based on the lesson learned from my friends experience, I have learned that the stakeholders must tackle the concern effectively. Quick calls or visits must be paid to the stakeholders for effective communication. References Ellram, L. and Cooper, M., 2014. Supply Chain Management: It's All About the Journey, Not the Destination.Journal of Supply Chain Management, 50(1), pp.8-20. Qiang, N., Huang, Z., Ke, N. and Yang, Y., 2014. Overview of supply chain risk management and the current issues of closed-loop supply chain in China. International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, 5(3), p.236. Turker, D. and Altuntas, C., 2014. Sustainable supply chain management in the fast fashion industry: An analysis of corporate reports. European Management Journal, 32(5), pp.837-849. Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J. and Lai, K., 2013. Institutional-based antecedents and performance outcomes of internal and external green supply chain management practices. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 19(2), pp.106-117.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Introduction of Lenovo and Its Strategy free essay sample

On this hand,lenovo company does very good. From the cargo to the assembly production,from the product-sells to the post-sale service, the company diligently saves the product consumption and enhances the production efficiency. Thus realized the cost large scale reduced. In sales aspect, The company provides many kinds of purchases and the marketing channels. The customer can directly get the product through the on-linepurchase and the store purchase way. Support activities: Procurement; Technology Development; Human Resource Management; Firm Infrastructure. On this hand,lenovo campany has very big superiority. The company has the formidable technical strength, especially in product research and development, and technical personnels. This superiority has guaranteed the company’s leading status in the market. Customers of the new Lenovo will benefit from the union of PCDs and Lenovos extraordinary RD capabilities. Lenovos global research and development centers in China, Japan and the US have produced some of the worlds most important advances in PC technology. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction of Lenovo and Its Strategy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The company is rich in talent, with eams who have won hundreds of technology and design awards – including more than 2,000 patents – and introduced many industry firsts. And many more are on the way. The goal of Lenovos RD team is ultimately to improve the overall experience of PC ownership while driving down total cost of ownership. In turn, this commitment distinguishes Lenovo from its competitors and attracts PC customers who demand the increased productivity that real innovation provides. Lenovo and its employees are committed to four company values that are the foundation for all that they do: 1. Customer service: We are dedicated to the satisfaction and success of every customer. 2. Innovative and entrepreneurial spirit: Innovation that matters to our customers, and our company, created and delivered with speed and efficiency. 3. Accuracy and truth-seeking: We manage our business and make decisions based on carefully understood facts. 4. Trustworthiness and integrity: Trust and personal responsibility in all relationships. Core competency Core copentency is the performance of all business units can improve to some extend as these business units develop, or create,a central core of competencies. After conformity with the PC department of IBM, the brand, the scale, theefficiency will become the new Lenovo the core competitive ability. In brand aspect, Continues to maintain IBM and the Lenovo brand inherent high endis vivid and the high premium brand localization and the connotation,will cause the new Lennovo to obtain the higher profit level. In scale aspect, Fully use the Lenovo and IBM in the customer group, theproduct , the new Lenovo will take Asian emerging market and so on the China, India, will take thenotebook computer the growth, and as soon as ossible the Lenovo very strong expense, mid- and small-scale enterprise the product and the service pattern will pass IBM the service platform belt to the whole world. In efficiency aspect, The Lenovo at present has in the global first ten big PC merchantthe lowest core business running cost rate 6. 9%, it future fully display the highly effective operation platform superiority whichalready established in China, in the purcha se, supplied aspect and soon chain, research and development and service, for newly associated global the provision of service support, thus obtained the field first-class operation efficiency in the whole.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Oskar Schindler essays

Oskar Schindler essays Many great things have happened in the course of ones life that will define the round sphere of reality that the person has placed on each person. In an act of bravery, resilience and love, a young man, named Oskar Schindler went against all odds to save an amazing 1100 Jews from a certain, horrifying death. With a personality that befriends the Nazi party, and distrusts his allies, Oskar made a list, with Iskar Stern, his accountant of all the names of the people he would need in his munitions factory. Many who survived paid witness to the amazing turn of events, but many however, did not listen. Oskar seemed to be lost in time, with no recognition for his work. It wasnt until in 1980 when a phone call stall and a brief case raised Schindler from the dead, and made known the amazing rescue. Thomas Keneally visited a luggage store in Beverly Hills, California. There, while he was waiting for a phone call and the price of the baggage he asked for, he became the author of the book, Schindlers List. The shop belonged to Leopold Pfefferberg, a Schindler survivor. While Oskar was waiting for the phone, he gave the author the entire account what Oskar did, and his background. After he left the store, Thomas knew that he had to publish the works that Oskar Schindler did. Oskar was therefore resurfaced, and to this day, he remained one of the greatest heros of all time. Oskar Schindler was no special man with super powers. Rather, he was a plain man with regular qualities. An ethnic German, Schindler was born April 28, 1908, in Zwittau, Austria-Hungary, what is now Moravia in the Czech Republic. Schindler grew up with all the privileges money could buy. He was born Catholic, but from an early age he inhabited a world of sin. His exploits with women are the stuff of barroom legend. It is because of his interest in money that lead him to the Jews, and the turn of events that lead him to change his heart and save the thousand o...

Thursday, November 21, 2019


THE CAUSES OF CRIME ARE REALLY IRRELEVANT AS FAR AS SITUATIONAL REMEDIES ARE CONCERNED - DISCUSS - Essay Example In spite of this definition, some people persist in their behavior and thus commit crimes; the political society reacts by punishment, treatment or prevention.1 The hallmark of criminality is that, it is a breach of the criminal law. Lord Atkin in Proprietary Articles Trade Association v. A-G- for Canada2 stated that â€Å"the criminal quality of an act cannot be discerned by intuition; nor can it be discovered by reference to any standard but one; is the act prohibited with penal consequences?† Criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminals vis-à  -vis society. To know more about crimes they have to be measured and recorded. Measuring crime and Criminal Behavior is one of the most important functions of criminology. The availability and computing of crime statistics is a vital component of law enforcement. Crime statistics provide us with important facts that theories must then explain. Measuring crime and finding the crime rate is essential to discover the root causes of crime. The who, when, where, how of crimes is addressed by the quantitative techniques of measuring crime and which are vital in answering the why of crimes. Measuring criminal behavior is not just an academic exercise in futility, for it can fruitfully be used in evaluating criminal justice policy initiatives, policing, judicial and correctional administration amongst various other uses. The classicists4 believed that criminal behavior was a function of the human ability to choose an individual course of action. This school was based on hedonistic psychology. According to this psychology, man governs his behavior by considerations of pleasures and pains; the pleasures anticipated from a particular act may be balanced against the pains anticipated from the same act, or the algebraic sum of pleasure and pains from another act. The actor was assumed to have a free will and to make his choice

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Money and Banking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Money and Banking - Assignment Example Money supply as defined by Fed does not include bank reserves. It only includes such money that may be used for exchanging goods and services. On the other hand, demand deposits and all other cash which can be used for transactions are included in the money supply.  The money supply in the form of loans is in the form of cash. so, money supply in cash is equal to the number of loans.   STRONG DOLLAR: strong dollar happens when U.S. dollar increases to a level with respect to any other currency which has a high rate of exchange for other currency which is relative to the dollar. WEAK DOLLAR: Weak dollar occurs when U.S. dollar falls to a level with respect to another currency that possesses high exchange rates for other currency that is relative to the dollar. INTEREST RATE POLICY AND DOLLAR STRENGTH: The interest rate policy affects the strength and weakness of the dollar to a great extent. An increase in interest rate will increase the demand for the dollar so that more investments can be made in U.S. assets. Thus the value of the dollar will also increase. Increase in value means strong dollar. Thus, the dollar will get stronger with higher interest rates. On the other hand, the lower the interest rates, the weaker will be the dollar due to the same reason. DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATE:   If we analyze the exchange rate of Dollar with respect to major countries Broad Index, we see that in January 2009, the dollar exchange rate was 89.5039 which reduced to 80.3001 by the end of September 2011. The decrease was gradual and consistent. However, the exchange rate rises initially till March 2009 after which it started falling. It was 77.83 by the end of July 2011. However, it rises in August and September and reaches to 80.3001 in September 2011. EFFECT OF DOLLAR STRENGTH/ WEAKNESS ON CONSUMERS, BUSINESS AND ECONOMY: The exchange rate analysis of dollar for the past two years reveals that the dollar is continually weakening. This weakness will affect all the consumers and businesses and will also have impacts on the economy of the country. The economists are of the view that weak dollar will affect every aspect of the economy. The prices of consumers clothing, electronic, the rates of mortgages and job markets will all be affected by the dollar value. The weakness in dollar value also asserts an increase in oil prices. This increase will definitely affect the producers. Their production costs will rise. Consequently, the producers will increase the prices of consumer goods. This will affect consumers and thus, the whole economy would be affected. the weakness of dollar will also affect some other currencies. This is due to the reason that as the dollar got weaker and weaker; the investors will tend to search for some other currencies to which are relatively stable as compared to Dollar. This will increase the demand for other currencies and decrease in the demand for the dollar. Consequently, the interest rate will tend to decrease. This will affect the deposits of individuals and businesses in the banks. Finally, this will again have an impact on the whole economy.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Management accounting - Essay Example The company has had a history of high turnover and this is based on the fact the employees were not feeling motivated under the current payment scheme. For instance, the largest production center, which has 75 employees, was paying the employees just 9040 while under the new scheme the employees are going to be paid more salary at 10250. According to Kline (2010), the increase in salary will motivate the employees to work extra harder. Several motivation theories also point out that better remuneration is key to motivation of employees. When employees are paid salary, which is commensurate with their input at the organization, they will become more productive which in turn boosts the competitive edge of the company irrespective of the industry in which it operates. The cost of high turnover is an indication that the employees are not motivated. Moreover, it is a costly affair to the company because the cost of replacing workers, which have exited the company, is a huge expense, which eats into the profitability of the company. On the other hand, the new hourly pay rate is also cost effective because under the new hourly rate, the electronics department will pay less to employees. Prior to the new scheme, the total cost incurred on employee salary for the three employees, Ewelina, Danesh, and Sarah. For instance, under the new hourly rate the company will pay $810 less to the employees because previously the paid  £4522.2 but under the new hourly rate the pay is  £ 3712.5. Siddiqui (2006) asserts that the sole objective of operating a business is to make profit, which is achieved through increased revenues and reduced cost. The fact that the company will register less expenses in salaries means that it will improve its profitability hence the new hourly pay scheme is a welcomed

Friday, November 15, 2019

Benefits And Disadvantages Of Internet Banking Marketing Essay

Benefits And Disadvantages Of Internet Banking Marketing Essay This chapter will review the e-banking system in Malaysia and review the relevant literature on consumer perception towards e-banking. In addition, this literature review also considers the discussion of customer satisfaction and loyalty towards internet banking. 2.1 Benefits and Dis-advantages of Internet Banking 2.1.1 Benefits of Internet Banking Bu using internet, clients can access to their accounts doing transaction or access to other services with cost reduction and more convenience because online bank are operation 24hours per day, 7days per week. Furthermore, banks able to expand their market penetration internationally and offer personalized online services like clients able to check their account balances and monthly statement by login to the secure website of the bank, make payments, and transfer funds to other accounts. The speed of online banking transaction is generally faster than ATM processing speeds. Internet banking also provides advantages likes flexibility, individually and mobility which is a brand new distribution channel for clients to make on-line transaction. The improvement of internet protection through security technologies such as automatic log-off, firewalls, encryption, monitoring tools and authentication to ensure clients trust on internet banking (Banking Info, 2007). Table 1 are the benefits arise are summarized by Thulani et al.(2009) in their research paper on various study of internet banking. Benefits Related literature Cost Reduction Bradley and Stewart (2003), Rotchanakitumnuai and Speece (2003), Jayawadhera and Foley (2000), Nath et al 2001, Al-Sukkar and Hasan (2005) and Singh (2004), Corrocher (2002),Chang (2003), Sullivan and Wang (2005). Increased customer base Bradley and Stewart (2003), Jayawadhera and Foley (2000), Jen-Her Wu et al 2006 and Singh (2004), Corrocher (2002). Enable innovation and development of non-core business services Jayawadhera and Foley (2000), Nath et al. (2001), Karem (2003), Corrocher (2002), Chang (2003). Marketing and communication Jayawadhera and Foley (2000), Karem (2003), Corrocher (2002). Increased consumer loyalty and satisfaction Jen-Her Wu et al 2006 and AL-Sukkar and Hasan (2005), Nath et al. (2001). High profit consumers Jen-Her Wu et al 2006 and AL-Sukkar and Hasan (2005), Nath et al. (2001). Ability to attract new consumers AL-Sukkar and Hasan (2005). Table 1: Benefits of Internet Banking Source: Thulani et al. (2009) 2.1.2 Dis-advantage of Internet Banking AL-Sukkar and Hasan (2005) and Singh (2004) had identify the disadvantages of develop internet banking. They stated clients have to pay indirect cost as some of the internet banking systems charge money on browsing connectivity on personal computer. Moreover, cash are not available through internet. Customers are unable to withdraw cash or deposit cash by using internet banking. They also emphasize on security concerns, the issue of security concerns may delay the clients adoption of internet banking. Before using internet banking, applicant required to go through some procedure in one of the bank branch, especially the clients want to open a joint account. Some of the clients not familiar to internet browsing, they have to go through tutorials to familiarize with the navigation tools. Unfortunately, clients require re-familiarizing the navigation tools to access their account once banks update and upgrade their online system. Last but not least, trustworthiness is the most difficult yet most important issue face by clients. They always wonder whether the transaction or payments have been proceeding to another account accurately. 2.2 Aspect that Influence Consumer Perception towards Internet Banking Three of the most important characteristics of financial services to extend e-banking are: High availability, Scalability, and Security. (Antovski and LJ, 2001). According to them, high availability also can define in reliability, availability and serviceability. The e-banking are design for easy and continuous service to customers. Yibin and MU (2003) also stated the three improvements of the system infrastructure which are to build-up the reporting services for online transaction, improve the e-payment system, and improve the telecommunications infrastructure and other forms of electronic transaction. Factors such as the speed of transactions or the cost of using the Internet have little impact on an individuals final decision. After setting up better system infrastructure through Web, the new delivery channel can highly recommended to clients by giving guarantee on security, privacy and trust of Web system to minimize barrier. The following research provided the analysis on different aspect that will effect customer perception towards internet banking. 2.2.1 Electronic Security (E-Security) Electronic security is a tool or process designed to restrict entry or prevent unauthorized access to a systems information assets or is a risk-management (Thomas et al., 2002). Mueller (2001) stated that e-security prevents the hacker and others from accessing customers information, security pin number or credit card number. Thomas et al. (2002) highlighted e-security adds value to a naked network. Thomas et al. (2002) stated that although technology offer a new distribution channel for financial institution but it creates opportunities for crimes to be committed very quickly. A criminal can use the tools available on the Web to hack database on internet and steal personal hidden identities in seconds. This is why e-security must be taken very seriously. However, Raigaga (2000) stated that some banker has delay the online banking service due to the security concern. Consumer perceptions of security are measure through the operations and processes of encryption, protection, verification and authentication. The mechanisms of encryption, digital authentication, firewalls, protection, filtering routers, and personal identification numbers influence the internet customers perception towards security and might increase the confidence and trust of consumer. E-security is one of the important factors to be stressed. Most of the customers refuse to use internet banking as the alternative way to carry on transaction and payment because they afraid of losing their private information and data on hacker. 2.2.2 Trustworthiness Trust is considered as a strategic variable in current marketing (Selnes, 1998). Meanwhile, the development of internet banking brings new challenges, this lead to an increase of motivation in bank to provide a better service. Bank image will might slightly improve if clients able to enjoy better service. Bank image and consumer trust are significant influence the individual behavior (Ratnasingham, 1998). Bank image and customer trust are significantly affect individual behavior and their level of perception (Ratnasingham, 1998; Rexha et al., 2003; Lehu, 2001; Ba, 2001). Since the online banking give a higher level of risk to the clients, so Gefen et al. (2003) stated that trust is an important aspect to take note when doing internet transaction because it determines the nature of businesses. The issue of trust arises when risk is involved. Trust is the main factor being concern because bank and clients are physically separated from each other and there is a large number of suspicious about the e-security over the Internet. Generally, customers distrust and worries about the reliability of internet banking even the e-security system is good. Furthermore, clients lack of confidence and trust on the e-security is the main obstacle prevent e-banking is being developed further. As William Pitt, the eighteenth century British statesman once said, confidence is a plant of slow growth. 2.3 Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty towards Internet Banking. For offline environments, quality of services is a key determinant of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (Caruana, 2002; Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Kelley and Davis, 1994; Parasuraman et al., 1988). The quality of services delivered through internet has develop wisely and significant success since the services accepted by clients. Moreover, Fassnacht and Kose (2007) found that electronic service quality had an important role in building customer trust. Customer is important in providing the level of satisfaction over electronic service quality. Their past experience is one of the factors that influence their rating and satisfaction on electronic service quality. Understanding customer requirements and meeting their demands and expectations is becoming a challenge (Shailey et al., 2003). But some users feel that internet is not useful even though its ease of use eventually lose interest in using Internet banking. Nexhmi et al. (2003) stated that clients satisfaction will have a role in development but a more important element is to maintain close bank-customer relationship. Overall customer satisfaction with the bank will be directly related to the level of trust within the relationship.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Exhaust EmissionsTask 3 P4Petrol and diesel engines work in slightly :: Design and Technology

Exhaust EmissionsTask 3 P4Petrol and diesel engines work in slightly different ways and burn different fuels, so they produce different exhausts Petrol and diesel engines work in slightly different ways and burn different fuels, so they produce different exhausts. Compared with petrol engines, diesel engines produce smaller amounts of unburnt and partially burnt fuel but can produce more nitrogen oxides and large amounts of smoke. These particles consist of soot, hydrocarbons, sulphur-based chemicals and volatile organic compounds. Heavy duty diesel vehicles, such as trucks, can be very polluting because they produce large amounts of particulates and nitrogen oxides. Diesel exhaust has also been shown to be a probable cause of cancer. WHAT ARE DIESEL ENGINE EXHAUST EMISSIONS? Cold Start Emissions - Starting and driving a vehicle the first few minute’s results in higher emissions because the emissions control equipment has not yet reached its optimal operating temperature. Running Emissions - Pollutants are emitted from the vehicle's exhaust during driving and idling after the vehicle is warmed up. Diesel engine exhaust emissions are a mixture of gases, vapors, liquid aerosols and substances made up of particles. They contain the products of combustion including: * carbon * nitrogen * water * carbon monoxide * aldehydes * nitrogen dioxide * sulphur dioxide * Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons The carbon particle or soot content varies from 60% to 80% depending on the fuel used and the type of engine. Most of the contaminants are adsorbed onto the soot. Petrol engines produce more carbon monoxide but much less soot than diesel engines. WHAT FACTORS AFFECT THE COMPOSITION OF DIESEL FUMES? * the quality of diesel fuel used; * the type of engine, e.g. standard, turbo or injector; * the state of engine tuning; * the fuel pump setting; * the workload demand on the engine; * the engine temperature; * Whether the engine has been regularly maintained. WHAT DOES THE COLOUR OF THE SMOKE PRODUCED INDICATE? Smoke is the product of combustion. Vehicles at a workplace may produce three kinds of smoke, two of which indicate engine problems. The three types are: * Blue smoke (mainly oil and unburnt fuel). This indicates that the vehicle has been poorly serviced and/or a tuned engine * Black smoke (soot, oil and unburnt fuel). This indicates there is a mechanical fault with the engine * White smoke (water droplets and unburnt fuel) which is produced when the engine is started from cold and disappears when the engine warms up Exhaust fumes are just one of the ways CO2 adds to climate change Not only do vehicles cause localised air pollution, they are also responsible for a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Difference Between Moroccan and French Media

Otmane Barakat AWT1003 07 Tuesday 30th, 2012 Moroccan and French Media â€Å"Whoever controls the media controls the minds†, said Jim Morrison. The media has definitely marked the current generation as it has an enormous power and effect on the nations. Nowadays, the media affects the way the audience thinks and behaves more than it has ever done. Enhanced by the technological advancement, especially the rise of Internet, the link between mass media and the public opinion has begun to change to become similar around the world.Moroccan and French media systems are not different from the others as their similarities are displayed in the fact that they are both using high technology facilities, incite violence, and ran by the government. To get started, the first thing in common between the Moroccan and French media is their wise use of highly-advanced communication facilities. Even though Morocco is a thirdworld country, it has been using communication technology since the end o f the last century.Telephone, telegraph, radio, and television services were available at that time; there were about 1. 3 million mainline telephones, about 120,000 cell phones, and 22AM/ 7 FM radio stations. In 2000, these communication facilities had witnessed an enormous growth as Morocco had the disposal of 243 radio stations, eight Internet providers and 166 television sets for every 1000 people. Nowadays, Morocco has over 21 million cell phones, 6 million television receivers, 8 million radio and internet users.Obviously, the media has made a clever use out of the telecommunication advancement since the storage and transmission of information has become easier than never. For instance, news corporations are offering stream-feeding news reports by emails, call centers, or text messages caring more about the gain than the information itself. Likewise, the French do not prefer to read as they are cited only for 164 adult readers out of every 1000. Further, they are very practica l people trying to make the best use out of technology just like any other developed country.In fact, France secures 60 million cell phone, 34 million television receivers, 55 million radio sets and 45 million internet users that earnestly serve the media. Furthermore, during the past ten years, the French population’s use of internet has increased from 14. 4% to 68. 9% according to the IWS (Internet World Stats) center argues. As an illustration, France has more than 20 news TV networks, 30 news radio stations, and 100 news websites.All in all, Moroccan and French media systems are making a good use out of the telecommunication advancement as it is the most practical way to communicate information with the people even though it may provoke violent behaviors. Media can be harmful to its consumers, especially for children as it incites violent and aggressive behaviors in both Morocco and France. The media has always been possibly deleterious as it is becoming more aggressive, rebellious, and immoral in Morocco.There used to be a time when tears used to stream down people's cheeks when they saw someone dying; however, nowadays, people have got ice cold watching the news in which violent and bloody material is transmitted. The media is desensitizing the humanity. Similarly, in France, news broadcasts are becoming more and more inhuman by showing beat up, injured, or slaughtered mothers and their children. As both Moroccan and French people are consuming these sequences, they are becoming gradually violent, their humanity is slowly fading away, and their conscience is becoming more and more silent.To sum up, the broadcasting of savage and inhuman sequences on media instruments incites an aggressive and inhuman aspect in the person; consequently, he becomes closer to becoming a toy than a freewill individual. Nowadays, the government’s shadows are able to reach anything it aims including the fourth estate. The Moroccan media is mainly run by corporati ons that are either semi or fully governmental. The government has shown interest into taking over the media as it is the perfect instrument for social control.In a critical period, the North of Morocco was against the late king Hassan II, the Sahara was still a contested territory, and the people were against the new and current king. With the appearance of the media, Morocco has been able to contain the fury of the people by spoon-feeding them what they needed to hear. As an illustration, the Moroccan people were experiencing their first interaction with the mystery box — also known as television in western countries — They were under the brainwash.Equally, France’s media is mainly being ran by government as it serves its own aims through telling the people what and what not to think. Governments have been facing difficulties lately as the people became more aware of their rights and privileges; therefore, the main objective of running the media has become thr eatened. Swaying people’s opinion nowadays is no longer easy. To conclude, both Moroccan and French media are being ran by the government as it is essential for them to tell the people what to think and believe.In the final analysis, when it comes to media, Morocco and France are similar. Both of the two countries use highly advanced telecommunication facilities. Further, they are both inciting violence through communicating provoking and aggressive material. Finally, Moroccan and French media are both run by the government as it needs to make sure it controls the people’s curiosity. It is sad to see how the fourth estate is negatively influencing the fate of humans and nations as they are nothing but toys in the big political game.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Selected Quotes From The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

Selected Quotes From The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien The Hobbit is a book by J.R.R. Tolkien, a famous Oxford professor, essayist and writer, published in 1937. The story centers on Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who is caught up in a grand adventure. Here are a few quotes from The Hobbit.   Adventure Baggins quest takes him from a quiet, rural life to more dangerous territory to try to win a share of a great treasure guarded by Smaug the dragon. Along the way, he meets, confronts and is helped by a cast of characters, both good and bad. I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and its very difficult to find anyone.  - Chapter 1I should think so in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!  - Chapter 1Also, I should like to know about risks, out-of-pocket expenses, time required and remuneration, and so forth by which he meant: What am I going to get out of it? and am I going to come back alive.  - Chapter 1There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something.  - Chapter 4 The Golden Treasure Baggins is trying to help  Thorin Oakenshield, the head of a band of dwarves. This group used to inhabit Lonely Mountain until Smaug the dragon pillaged the dwarvish kingdom, then ruled by Thorins grandfather, and took the treasure. Far over the misty mountains cold / To dungeons deep and caverns old / We must away ere break of day / To seek the pale enchanted gold.  - Chapter 1Some sang too that Thror and Thrain would come back one day and gold would flow in rivers, through the mountain-gates, and all that land would be filled with new song and new laughter. But this pleasant legend did not much affect their daily business.  - Chapter 10 The Ring Baggins is initially more of a hindrance than help on the quest until he finds a magical ring that allows him to become invisible. He guessed as well as he could, and crawled along for a good way, till suddenly his hand met what felt like a tiny ring of cold metal lying on the floor of the tunnel. It was a turning point in his career, but he did not know it. He put the ring in his pocket almost without thinking; certainly it did not seem of any particular use at the moment.  - Chapter 5 BilboBaggins Baggins lived a life of quiet- though sparse- comfort ​until he was called upon to start his quest. In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort. - Chapter 1​Chip the glasses and crack the plates! / Blunt the knives and bend the forks! / Thats what Bilbo Baggins hates.  - Chapter 1 Monstrous Characters Tolkien based many of the characters Baggins encounters on fairy tales such as Grimms fairy tales and Snow White. Trolls are slow in the uptake, and mighty suspicious about anything new to them.  - Chapter 2It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him. Dragons may not have much real use for all their wealth, but they know it to an ounce as a rule, especially after long possession; and Smaug was no exception.  - Chapter 12

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Revisited

Can’t Buy Me Love The depression was an era of extremes. A person was more than likely extremely poor, or in the lucky upper 1% that was extremely wealthy. The middle class was virtually not existent. All of these income groups, including those characterized in our three stories, wanted money because it supposedly brought happiness, but were actually struggling to cling to the intangible, unreachable feeling of love. If money leads to love, Dexter Green has bought it a thousand times over. He wanted not association with the glittering things and glittering people [but] the glittering things themselves" even if they come in the shape of an object, a person, a house, a manner, or as simple as a life (Fitzgerald Dreams 58). He is still the "proud, desirous little boy" of his youth (Dreams 64). This reincarnation of the Victorian gilded age reinstates the fact those things that look of worth might really be empty of value inside. This glittering hollowed thing for Dexter Green appears as Judy Jones. He wa nts her; he longs for her because he has everything else. "Often he reached out for the best without knowing why he wanted it;" just another trophy on his shelf, and seemingly the gift one might give a person who has everything (Dreams 58). He is desperate for the lifestyle, the glittering things, and belonging. Judy, herself, is a symbol of wealth and to men, the ideal of love. She has proper breeding, incredible beauty, popularity, and above of all, lots of money. Though she is what men want to use as an example of love, she can not love. Rather, she is merely the idea of love and evidently the irony of love. She has no human capacity for it for she is only playing the game to prove that she can "[make] men conscious to the highest degree of her physical loveliness" and make them fall in love with her in an instant (Dreams 65). Judy had fun with men and "was entertained only by the gratification of her desires and by the direct exerci... Free Essays on Revisited Free Essays on Revisited Can’t Buy Me Love The depression was an era of extremes. A person was more than likely extremely poor, or in the lucky upper 1% that was extremely wealthy. The middle class was virtually not existent. All of these income groups, including those characterized in our three stories, wanted money because it supposedly brought happiness, but were actually struggling to cling to the intangible, unreachable feeling of love. If money leads to love, Dexter Green has bought it a thousand times over. He wanted not association with the glittering things and glittering people [but] the glittering things themselves" even if they come in the shape of an object, a person, a house, a manner, or as simple as a life (Fitzgerald Dreams 58). He is still the "proud, desirous little boy" of his youth (Dreams 64). This reincarnation of the Victorian gilded age reinstates the fact those things that look of worth might really be empty of value inside. This glittering hollowed thing for Dexter Green appears as Judy Jones. He wa nts her; he longs for her because he has everything else. "Often he reached out for the best without knowing why he wanted it;" just another trophy on his shelf, and seemingly the gift one might give a person who has everything (Dreams 58). He is desperate for the lifestyle, the glittering things, and belonging. Judy, herself, is a symbol of wealth and to men, the ideal of love. She has proper breeding, incredible beauty, popularity, and above of all, lots of money. Though she is what men want to use as an example of love, she can not love. Rather, she is merely the idea of love and evidently the irony of love. She has no human capacity for it for she is only playing the game to prove that she can "[make] men conscious to the highest degree of her physical loveliness" and make them fall in love with her in an instant (Dreams 65). Judy had fun with men and "was entertained only by the gratification of her desires and by the direct exerci...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Critically contrast the behaviourist approach to psychology with the Essay

Critically contrast the behaviourist approach to psychology with the cognitive approach. You should refer to primary sources w - Essay Example Along with some similarities, there are fundamental contrasts of the behavioral and the cognitive approaches to psychology. First of all, both psychological schools follow different points of view as for the subject of psychological science. Behaviorists consider person’s behavior,  reflected in  the available  objective  observation of  physical processes, as  the only subject of  psychology.  Ã‚   Mental processes, as factors influencing behavior, are not taken into consideration by the behavioral concept. Hempel (1949), for example, claims that â€Å"all psychological statements †¦ are translatable into statements that do not involve psychological concepts,† but only concepts for physical behavior (p. 18). The behavioral theory assumes that after birth all human beings are similar. Thus, the formation of personality is greatly related to the surrounding environment, which is to shape and bring up a future individual. â€Å"Give me a dozen health y infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select†. (John Watson, 1930, p. ... avior, cognitive psychology focuses on internal considerations such as patterns of thoughts, obsessive preoccupations, or the manifest content of one's  dreams. The cognitive approach views the processes of thinking and cognition as the determinant of human behavior. Cognition is the act or process of knowing. It refers to the mental processes of an individual and includes attention, perception, memory, reasoning, judgment, imaging, thinking, and speech. Cognitive psychology states that human behavior is not merely the product of interaction with outward reality. It explicitly acknowledges the existence of internal mental states (such as  belief,  desire  and  motivation), â€Å"Not stimuli and responses, not overtly observable behavior, not biological drives and their transformation, but meaning†¦by adding a little  mentalism  to it.   It focused on the symbolic activities that human beings employed in constructing and making sense not only of the world, but of themselves.† (Jerome Bruner, 1990, p.  2) The cognitive  approach spread  also  to  the study  of emotional and   motivational  areas of  personality. In fact, the behavioral approach is based on the mechanistic materialism, considering human consciousness as an artificial analogue of religious notion of ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’, and it is absolutely rejected by behaviorists. Mental processes also seem mostly as some concomitant inner factors, which are not included in the causal relationships between an individual and actuality.   Only in the world of physical phenomena there are causal links, through which one of the events serves as a reason for another one, being its consequence.  From this point of view, the relationship of stimulus and response (S - R) is accepted as the basic mechanism of the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Advertisment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Advertisment - Essay Example But one finds this appropriate because the picture really says it all. The paragraph below is just additional information to emphasize the message the advertisement wants to convey. The advertiser wants to persuade those who will see the advertisement that cigarette smoking does not have to be manly. As written in the paragraph below, it is an expression for one’s love for pretty things (Lindstrom). Additional information is given in the paragraph stating that the cigarette is also available in menthol (Lindstrom). The messages in the print advertisement are arranged in such a way that the most important message that the advertiser wants to convey is presented first. The use of big letters in the statement, â€Å"Farewell to ugly cigarette. Smoke pretty.eve.† is very fitting (Lindstrom). The prominent picture of the pack of cigarettes also contributes to the message that the advertiser wants to put across his audience. On the whole, one thinks that the print advertisement is very effective in capturing the attention of its market. Even without the paragraph below the picture, the readers have already understood and absorbed the message. The advertiser has achieved his goal. Eve Filter Cigarettes. Advertisement. Lindstrom, Andrew. "50 inspiring vintage advertisements." 30 September 2008. Web. 12 March 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Construction Technology 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Construction Technology 2 - Essay Example Because the fire curves are modelled on the basis of design fires, the analysis becomes vulnerable to the difference between design fire parameters and the real fire situations that may occur. Furthermore, varying conditions and the global proliferation of standards for fire tests make it imperative that an approximate approach to different situations/standards, for structures (at sea and on land) be adopted. This work aims to analyse fire curves in terms of their vital components/features, simultaneously considering the critical levels at which these vital variables of the standard curves experience a change, with the associated consequences of such, regarding the effectiveness of fire curves at carrying out their function of fire resistance determination. A further look will be taken at the applicability of these curves at sea, with analysis involving a look at the means and extent to which these applications vary, in the approach associated with them. The level of fire resistance in structures (onshore) is generally assessed or analysed by the use of engineering fire design curves. Different types of fire curves and standards are adopted in various parts of the world. Different assumptions are also associated with these different curves. Technically speaking, fire curves are applied to determine the fire resistance rating of passive fire protection systems. This rating is a measure of the time over which a passive fire protection system can resist or withstand a standard fire protection test. Some of the most commonly used standard fire curves include the ISO-834 (BS 476 or DIN 4102), which are relevant to cellulosic structures. There are also the ASTM E119 and UL 1709(or Eurocode 1), applicable to hydrocarbon situations. Engineering design practice generally uses these curves in the context of design fire temperatures, which attempt to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Initial Assessment Essay Example for Free

Initial Assessment Essay The reasoning for using Initial Assessment in my curriculum area is because the majority of students have not completed a formal education or if having done so hold little or no qualifications. The majority of the courses start at entry level therefore no qualifications’ are require, but to offer students progression on to higher levels they need to be holding or be able to achieve a level 1 in communication and application of number. This is the minimum requirement to complete an apprenticeship programme and the vast majority wish to follow the vocational route to being a ‘qualified tradesman’. Procedures Before the day of enrolment students are fore warned at the interview stage what the awarding bodies’ requirement is to do a particular course. In the case of Construction Awards Alliance they have their own assessment criteria to try a match the suitability of the student to a particular trade. However because we deliver from entry to level 2 with three bodies to keep to the assessment process standard the college format is used( booklet produced by the learning centre, attached). Hillier. J (2005 p62) states â€Å"Great care must be used with such assessment activities. Many potential learners will feel highly by being threatened by being asked to undertake a diagnostic assessment. † In my opinion as long as students are made aware that this is not a formal test the majority do not mind taking the test, provided that the reasoning behind it is explained correctly. As a tutor it is important I remember the purpose of the test as Lambert. D and Lines. D (2000 p20) state â€Å"formative assessment is undertaken so that positive achievements of a pupil can be recognised and the appropriate next step planned†. Once all the information is collated this is entered into the course/ student profile booklet, this enables me or any other tutors to look at a particular student or group qualifications and progress as they are recorded for each achievement. Personally I think that the process works well when we complete the diagnostics on line as students can not see how others are doing. Most students feel more comfortable using this method as they do not feel as much pressure as they can wear head phones if required. The whole purpose works well because as a tutor working on entry level and to a certain degree on level 1, communication and application of number can be imbedded into the practical aspects of the course. The major weakness that I feel of the assessment process is that they are not curriculum specific; aspects of application of number are not relevant to the vocational subject. As I have experienced my self and some mature students the terminology of key words has changed until we have had them explained. When using the paper versions students that struggle to read or write often do not complete enough of the booklet, for the tutor to find the true level the students capable / working at. An important aspect that is often missed is the fact that to help students there is a requirement to have extra support in place if require for individuals. If there is no support is there a need for assessment? Yes but ensure all the support is provided and available as required in a timely manner. References a. Hillier. J (2005) Teaching in Further and Adult Education Gosport; Ashford colour press Ltd, p62 b. Lambert. D and Lines. D (2000) Understanding, Assessment ,Purposes, Perceptions, Practice London; RoutledgeFalmer, p20.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Science and God Essay -- essays research papers

"In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth†¦" (Genesis 1:1), the words that start it all if you are a Catholic. Children are brought up to believe that God took seven days out of his schedule to create the earth and all that is in and on it from a "formless wasteland" (Genesis 1:2). He gave man his shape and the keys to paradise and life rolls on from there. They know history of man through the Bible, and if it is not in the Bible, it did not happen. Die hard followers the Bible know little outside of the Good Book and thusly show their Those who took on the ideals of the enlightenment or raised with little to no theological beliefs have questioned the existence of God and the Bible. They have chosen to have the power of science be their creator and savior. No mythical oracles, no prophets, just the theories of motion, space, and relativity to guide them in their lives, and the gap has never been filled. To them, all of the questions can b e answered with one answer: E=MC2. Since the first questions of the validity of the Bible arose with people like Aristotle, Plato, and Moses Maimonides. In fact, Maimonides said, "conflicts between science and the Bible arise from either from a lack of scientific knowledge or a defective understanding of the Bible," (Schroeder, 1997). What he means is that science cannot answer everything with science or the Bible; there must be some happy medium where the two can play off each other. The belief in religion and the understanding of science do not have to conflict and contradict each other; they can work together in helping people fully understand the universe, the world, life and death, and most importantly themselves. The universe that surrounds us had no origin in the Bible, it is just there and only the creation of the earth is discussed. Scientists have calculated the power of the big bang to be 10120 in strength. "If the energy of the big bang were different by one part of 10120 there would be no life anywhere in the universe. The universe is tuned for life from its inception," (Schroeder, 1997). This statement is relaying messages of the two schools of thought at once. The religion translation of this statement is that something that precise could only have been made by some divine creator. The Scientific translation is none at al... ...old as the birth one, but still does not give an answer to the afterlife. Death as seen as the body simply shutting down the heart, brain, and other vital organs stop functioning, thus having no energy left to operate and live. It does not tell where you go when you die if you go anywhere at all. God intentionally keeps that a secret from mortal men so that fear and obedience can be instilled. Science cannot explain the afterlife with a theory or a rule that has to follow an equation or variable. It is just out of the field of study for science. People of the past have ascribed either to a scientific answer or to a theological belief to answer the questions they have. People pray to God for a cure to their disease, others visit a doctor or pharmacist. Nowadays people have become more liberal with their beliefs and where they look for answers. Priests go to the drugstore and scientists have been attending Sunday mass. The blending of the religions does not close doors and minds; it opens the mind to new interpretations of science and the Bible just the same. Harmony is being found, and questions that are more personal are being answered. It is truly something everyone can agree on.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Velvet Revolution Essay -- World History

The citizens of Czechoslovakia had not known freedom in decades. During much of World War II the nation was occupied by the Nazis and later by the Red Army as it drove the Nazis back to Berlin. When they Red Army moved into an area, communist regimes were set up to govern the area, and establish satellite nations. There were numerous uprisings throughout the decade that were violently suppressed by the communist governments with help from the USSR. After Alexander Dubcek tried to grant reforms to the people of Czechoslovakia in 1968, the USSR and most members of the Warsaw Pact sent their military forces to intervene and suppress any unrest or reforms. Things grew somewhat violent and brutal, as any demonstrators were either or beaten, killed, or arrested. Dubcek himself was removed from power. While many Czech citizens were fed up with their lack of freedom and the failing economy, they had little chance to achieve change. In the mid 1980’s though things began to lighten up w hen Mikhail Gorbachev became Premier of the USSR and announced his reform programs of Glasnost and Perestroika. Gorbachev also encouraged the leaders of the satellite states to follow suit and grant their citizens more political and civil liberties. Under Gorbachev the USSR also withdrew most of its armed forces from eastern and central European countries. Many citizens and political reformers took advantage of the moment and started to push for an end to the single party political system that had been forced on them for years. 1989 was the year of many revolutions and demonstrations in eastern and central Europe. In October of 1989 police in Prague had to break up a few large demonstrations that broke out on the 71st anniversary of the establishment of Czec... ...the movement gained such widespread popular support made it possible for the demonstrators to have a great deal of leverage when negotiating with the communist party. Works Cited Ladislav Adamec, "Speech by Premier Ladislav Adamec at an extraordinary session of the CPCz CC, stating his preference for a political solution to the crisis," Making the History of 1989, Item #512, (accessed April 17 2012, 7:06 pm). The Civic Forum, "The Civic Forum's Exposition of its Position in Public Life with a Call for Nonviolence, Tolerance and Dialogue," Making the History of 1989, Item #503, (accessed April 17 2012, 7:15 pm). The Civic Forum, "List of Goals by the Civic Forum," Making the History of 1989, Item #513, (accessed April 17 2012, 6:56 pm).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pr Elements and Functions

5. Programme Elements. PR is skill oriented profession. Major elements are:- (a)Media relations. (b)Advertising and advertorials. (c)Audio-visual production. (d)Brochures. (e)Briefing papers. (f)Corporate identity. (g)Exhibitions and displays, (h)House journals, news letters and bulletins. (j)Photography. (k)Presentation, conference and seminars. (l)Research (public opinion). (m)Sponsorships. (n)Websites – internet, email communication in PR programme, PR TV, PR radio and PR film. 6. Merit In-House Department. (a)Integral so known to all other department.Better communication for collection of information. (b)Permanent employees so understand company more closely. Can respond immediately and involve in day to day operation (c)Easy to collect background material easily.. House journal, annual report, corporate frofile, documentary easily made. (d)Will be on the spot in crisis situation. (e)Full time service without additional expenditure. (f)More economical. Can dovetail materia ls used. 7. Limitations In-House PR Department. (a)Being employee uncritical and biased. b)Can not have varied experience. (c)Transfers so continuity suffers. (d)Sometimes drawn without training and education so tend to be non-professional Management of PR Department 1. Good management principles are most essentials for good PR. Basic elements to manage PR Department 1. Basic Structure of PR Department affects implementation of PR management.. 2. PR Practice. In India three methods – In-House PR department, PR consultancy (can result in maximum expertise) and mix oftwo suitable for large organisations..PR Consultancy. 3. PR Department. Size related to size of organisation. 4. PR as Top Management. PR should have a voice to shape mission and strategic planning. Director should report to CEO. 5. Areas of PR Department. Sectors of PR Department are:- (a)Employees PR (b)Financial and shareholders PR (c)Suppliers Relations (d)Distributors and dealers PR (e)Customers Relations mana gement (f)Marketing PR (g)Govt Relations. (h)Crisis management (j)Corporate advertising k)Reputation management and media relations management. (l)communityRelations and social responsibility 6. Major Events. Company centenary celebration, new product launch, Company merger. Advance planning is key. Checklist to include objectives, audience, budget, detailed programme, messages, venue, date and time, invitation forma& list of invitee, catering, PA system, lighting, flower, commentator, seating & table plan, minute to minute programme, media coverage, photo & video coverage, rehearsals. . Functions of PR Department. (a)Interpret public opinion. (b)Keep management informed. (c)Conduct opinion research. (d)Carryout PR programme. (e)Inform public. (f)Identify adverse criticism. (g)Issue clarifications. (h)House journal. (j)Training in PR. (k)Employee cooperation programme. (l)Open house programmes. 8. Feedback is an important facet.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Enron essays

Enron essays Years before headline-grabbing accounting schemes, document shredding, executive bonus scandals and employee losses, Enron began as a small oil and gas pipeline company in Texas. Begun in 1985, it profited by promising to deliver gas and oil to a particular utility or business at a fixed future date and at a fixed price. As the energy markets, and in particular the electrical power markets, were deregulated, Enrons business expanded into brokering and trading electricity and other energy commodities. The deregulation of these markets was a key Enron strategy as it invested time and money in lobbying Congress and state legislatures for access to what traditionally had been publicly provided utility markets. Some of Enrons top executives became frequently named corporate political patrons of the Republican Party and the campaigns of George W. Bush and other elected officials. As Enrons business grew, it became a broker, a middleman, which made money from the difference between ener gy commodity sales and purchase prices. The actual prices Enron paid for and sold its commodities at were kept secret. As Enron began to face competition from other energy commodity traders, the business arrangements became more and more complex. The company was creating markets for products that never previously existed, and maybe shouldnt have existed. Customers could insure themselves against changing business conditions, including changes in interest rates, commodity prices or even a change in the weather. According to The Washington Post, over time the volume of business from these nontraditional contracts dwarfed Enrons mainline market in commodity trading. The stock price soared and Fortune magazine heralded Enron as one of the most innovative companies in America. Executive compensation for Enron CEO Ken Lay in 2000 topped $53 million, with exercised stock options of more than $123 million and unex...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Why I Chose A Career In Pharmacy And How It Pertains To My Goals

I’ve chosen to pursue a pharmacy career not only because I enjoy working in the health-care industry but also because the pharmaceutical field has numerous career opportunities and a strong job outlook. As a Doctor of Pharmacy I will offer exceptional patient care, and help deter children from abusing drugs. What I like most about working in health-care is the satisfaction of helping someone better understand their treatment or condition. As a Pharmacist my knowledge of pharmaceutical developments and drug safety will help provide the best possible care to patients. Also, my career possibilities are virtually endless by gaining a Pharmacy Degree. The pharmacy program’s diverse curriculum will prepare me to work in a variety of departments. I will be able to work within a hospital, manufacturing plant, or in research. And because pharmacists are authoritative sources of medicine information, they will continue to play an important role in patient care and preventative medicine. Although my main career goal is to work close to patients and physicians, I also hope to use my training to educate children and teenagers about recreational drug use. The pharmacy program will equip me with the knowledge necessary to successfully accomplish both goals.... Free Essays on Why I Chose A Career In Pharmacy And How It Pertains To My Goals Free Essays on Why I Chose A Career In Pharmacy And How It Pertains To My Goals I’ve chosen to pursue a pharmacy career not only because I enjoy working in the health-care industry but also because the pharmaceutical field has numerous career opportunities and a strong job outlook. As a Doctor of Pharmacy I will offer exceptional patient care, and help deter children from abusing drugs. What I like most about working in health-care is the satisfaction of helping someone better understand their treatment or condition. As a Pharmacist my knowledge of pharmaceutical developments and drug safety will help provide the best possible care to patients. Also, my career possibilities are virtually endless by gaining a Pharmacy Degree. The pharmacy program’s diverse curriculum will prepare me to work in a variety of departments. I will be able to work within a hospital, manufacturing plant, or in research. And because pharmacists are authoritative sources of medicine information, they will continue to play an important role in patient care and preventative medicine. Although my main career goal is to work close to patients and physicians, I also hope to use my training to educate children and teenagers about recreational drug use. The pharmacy program will equip me with the knowledge necessary to successfully accomplish both goals....

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Politics in Egypt

Politics in Egypt Failure of Secular Political Movements In most cases, secular political movements fail because of lack of organization and the spontaneous nature of these groups. These groups often arise spontaneously without proper organization.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Politics in Egypt specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The movements are, therefore, often not identified with a particular leader. The lack of predefined leadership agendas dents the movement’s strength as rivalries arise from the different groups constituting the movement. The movement, thus, has to handle challenges of institutionalizing their diverse interests. With time, various governance issues such as qualification of the leaders, the people to spearhead constitution making, what the constitution should entail, and scheduling of elations arise. Leadership wrangles are also dominant in absence of well defined succession plans. Despite the popularity of the secular movements, internal rivalries are common. This was the cause of divisions in the Muslim brotherhood in the 1980s and 1990s where the group split along key personalities (Rutherford 89). Generational disparities also contribute to the failure of political movements. Internal divisions may arise due to reluctance to integrate the agendas of the different age groups, especially the young generation, into decision making organs. Conflict of interest across the generation and reluctance of leaders to give the young people the opportunity to utilize their skills can cause rivalry.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ideological differences may also come out across the generation, whereby the young generation may be willing to accommodate new concepts and ideas while the older generation of leaders is rigid. This was witnessed in the breakup of Muslim brotherho od in 1996 when the old generation of leaders refused to support the youth’s propositions of incorporating other groups into their organization (Rutherford 90). This caused the youths to split from the main organization and formed their political party, though not successful. Evolution of other organizations which are autonomous and financially well endowed threatens the political movements. This may be so when the emerging groups do not have commitment to the movement’s common goal, in spite of the groups being sympathizers of the movement. The movement, therefore, remains as an umbrella body for the different parties having divergent purposes and ideologies. The regime of the day may also impose repressive measures against the movement, often leading to disintegration of the movement. Threats, detention and imprisonment of the members of the movement often put the organizational structure of the movement into disarray, thus weakening it. The repressive measures can c reate leadership crises, impacting on the hold of the movement in the population. This is exemplified by the repression activities of the government in 1970s and 1980s that affected the organizational structure of the Muslim brotherhood. This reduced its influence among the different Islamic activists.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Politics in Egypt specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The government also elevated the generational differences across this group by cracking down on young members, whereas the older members who were the leaders did not respond to these sufferings (Rutherford 91). The movement may often appeal to the masses, spanning across social, religious, ideologies and all age differences. It can, therefore, be made up of people from all walks of life, including those in the economy, military, youth activists and politicians. Sectarian groups may take advantage of lack of proper leadership mechanisms and pursue their interests once they have attained power, contributing to failure of the movement. For instance, the military may exercise too much power and attempt to exert regulations on the pace and type of change to be implemented. The military may often rule with decrees and such rule is not overseen by anybody, for example parliament or opposition. Thus, the military rules without consulting the general public on major issues (International Crisis Group 2). Common values of Islamists and Secularists Islamists and secularists share various dimensions of constitutionalism, among them being the, â€Å"rule of law, constraints on state power, protection of civil and political rights and public participation in politics† (Rutherford 101). In the rule of law, the Islamists and secularists have agreements on shar’ia as the basis of governance. Shari’a must be derived from the Qur’an or the Sunnah obtained from reliable sources.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Shari’a defines the ethical and spiritual ways that the believer must follow to live a moral life in accordance with God’s ways. Thus, every believer is obliged to follow shar’ia. Shar’ia also establishes the legal and moral principles for a spiritually enriched society. Through demonstration of the expected moral values to be adhered to, shar’ia promotes harmony and stability in the nation. The Shar’ia teachings also stipulate that to lead a spiritual life, one must meditate and interact with fellow believers and practice the teachings. It is, thus, the responsibility of the state to steer the people to have good morals by enforcing shar’ia. These topics have no contention and are not subject to discussion, thus the Islamism and secularists have an accord. Issues that are not available in the Qur’an and Sunnah require formulation of laws that are in agreement with Shari’a. These laws must be generated through governance in different political, social, cultural, and economic settings. The man-made laws are established based on fundamental pillars of Shar’ia in relation to governance. These principles include, †to establish justice, to rule through consultation (shura), to govern in a manner accountable to the citizenry, to derive laws from the Islamic Shar’ia, and to respect the people’s rights† (Rutherford 103). Governance is, therefore, aimed at employing the central pillars of Shari’a to formulate laws. The people designing these laws must consider the expectation of the community while upholding the Shar’ia principles. The laws do not contradict Shar’ia if they address the needs of the community and are geared towards addressing the interests of the citizens. In addition, the formulated laws must cater for the expectations of the community and the unique nature of the demands at that time. The laws are also formulated by building consensus c oncerning the issue at hand, in accordance to shar’ia principles and reflecting diverse knowledge and opinions. The Shar’ia, thus, allows for application of non-Muslim ideologies to handle situations in life as long as the ideologies do not contradict the shar’ia. The laws should mirror the values and sense of justice. The Islamists and secularists believe that Muslims have to reinterpret religion to correspond with issues in the contemporary world. Governance by Shar’ia is reaffirmed when the citizens and state demonstrate honest attempts to behave as pertains to Islam and not just oriented towards the particular legislative outcome. Shari’a is based on protecting, â€Å"religion, rationality, property and wealthy† (Rutherford 122). This means that it is enforced to promote justice, fairness, and compassion, and thus laws that stratify these ethical issues are compliant with shar’ia. The process of formulating laws is important in re inforcing Shar’ia. This requires careful consideration of challenges facing the Egyptians and evaluating the possible laws that can help while reflecting Shari’a principles. The role of religious leaders is secondary to drafting the law and interpreting shar’ia. In constraints of state power, exercising state power is confined under Shari’a, hence the people can ignore or even impeach a leader whose conduct and rule contradicts Shari’a. The people have the freedom of expressing allegiance to the state that is founded on Shar’ia, and which responds to the community’s will. The leader is, thus, elected by the citizens and is responsible to them. The leader as a human being can make mistakes as he is not divine, hence he should always engage his subjects on major issues. The state must also be subjected to checks and balances, hence the essence of decentralizing powers to other governance organs and empowering civil societies (Rutherford 112). In protection of civil and political rights, Islamists and secularists have common values in upholding individual rights and freedom. All the citizens have rights to, â€Å"better living standards, life, dignity, and property† (Rutherford 113). Ideal governance is based on, â€Å"consultation, justice, freedom, equality and the accountability of the ruler† (Rutherford 113). Freedom to express one’s self, to think and inquire is essential in practicing Islam faith. Islamists and secularists also believe in public participation in politics. The people are, therefore, supposed to be involved in electing their leaders. By consulting the people, the state gives the citizens a chance to participate in determining governance. Status of Shar’ia under Mubarak and Current Discussions Shari’a is the main source of legislation in Egypt, under article 2 of the constitution. This means that all the legislations must be derived from the principles of Shari ’a. In interpretation of the article, the court in 1985 ruled that the principles of shar’ia must be applied into positive state law. The Shari’a has two principles; those which are express and cannot be debated, and those which can be applied in relation to different contexts. These relative principles are subject to interpretations while adhering to Shari’a. In Mubarak’s regime, two constitutional amendments were carried out but all of them left article 2 intact. Regarding family and personal status laws, the laws were ramified in accordance to shari’a; though this ramification was not comprehensive. Family conflicts such as divorce and alimony were put together to form one case in 2004 so that they can be heard by one court. Personal status laws are enacted by the parliament. The legislation of laws was often followed by some explanations to demonstrate how the laws were adopted and backing literature to justify the legislation (ISLAMOPED IA para 1). Current discussions Having ascended to power, Muslim brotherhood is advocating for consultative governance according to Islam. Muslim brotherhood perceives public engagement in politics as essential in governance. This can be promoted by carrying out free and fair elections in order to choose leaders who demonstrate accountability. This approach is, however, not shared by some scholars who see perceive embedded problems in mass politics, such as enactment of legislation that is not established on ethical principles of Islam (ISLAMOPEDIA para 1). Instead, these scholars are of the view that the state should put organs that can maintain checks and balances, for example a constitutional court that makes sure the formulated legislative measures are in accordance to Shari’a. After the ouster of Mubarak and subsequent entry of the new regime, constitutional plans to amend the constitution were initiated. The main discussions in the amendment of the constitution gravitat ed around article 2 which invokes shar’ia as the major source of laws. People opposed to this article cite it as being biased and the article does not address those people having divergent religious views. Those against the proposals to change article 2 were concerned that changing it was likely to cause sectarian rivalry (ISLAMOPEDIA para 2). However, as the secular groups are minorities, most people are opposed to amending the article. International Crisis Group. â€Å"Popular protest in North Africa and the Middle East (1): Egypt Victorious?† Middle East/North Africa Report No. 101. 2012. Web. ISLAMOPEDIA. Islam and the state of post Mubarak era 2012. Web. Rutherford, Bruce K. Egypt after Mubarak: Liberalism, Islam, and democracy in the Arab world. Oxford: Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics, 2012. Print.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Intern Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intern - Essay Example All in all, I think this was a good week. The next week, life as an intern was both easier and harder to manage at the same time. It was easier because by this week I already had a better feel of my working environment. On the other hand, it was also harder because now I am feeling the load of work of a corporate manager. Of course I knew from the start that at this line of work juggling more than one task at a time is part of the job description. I realized important it is to keep my focus and keep things organized. To make sure that things run as smoothly as possible, I devised a simple strategy: that is making a weekly schedule of my tasks and duties, spreading out my tasks in those days and setting a completion target every day. Because as much as I want to accomplish everything in 24 hours, I cannot, I found early on that this is quite difficult to manage. Thus, the system, it helps me focus and keeps me from being overwhelmed from the load of my responsibilities. By my third week, I hate to admit but I was starting to feel the stress. And I just kept thinking to myself that I cannot let stress get the better of me. I knew that it does not only affect me but my co-workers as well, such negative energy could create a domino effect. I was trying my best not to take my stress out on my co-workers and cause a stress on our working relationship, I want to earn their respect and be respected as well so I had to do something to control the matter. Fortunately, talk to my family and friends really helps. Also, when I am at work, I try to take a minute refocus my mind and take breather before moving on to new tasks. I am really relieved that this working well for me because I know how my stress can result to poor productivity and management, which can affect my co-workers and clients. On my fourth week of internship, I must say I am learning a lot of things. For instance, NYC Service Zone handles a diverse set of clients, which is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Concept of hijab and niqab in arab countries Research Paper

Concept of hijab and niqab in arab countries - Research Paper Example The use of the niqab and the hijab in Arab countries may be explainable through delving into the history of their use and the justifications thereof. Of all the types of headscarf won by Muslim girls and women, the hijab is the most common. Its coverage of the body involves the head and neck but excludes the face (Ad-Darsh, and Siddiqi, 2003). The scarf may be of different colors to match the outfit the lady dons. Another headdress in common use among Muslim women is the niqab. The niqab not only covers the head but also covers the whole face, save for the eyes. It covers up to the mid-back and mid-chest. The veil is most common in Arab countries. Of the two, most scholars are in agreement that the hijab is obligatory whereas only a few think that the niqab is obligatory (Ad-Darsh, and Siddiqi, 2003). There are claims that the origin of the niqab may have been the Byzantine Empire where it was a form of dress among women in certain classes. Muslims then adopted it during the Arab conquest in the Middle East (Eltahawy, 2015). Many claim that the rationale of the niqab is within the Quran and Hadith. Hijab refers to the obligation to be modest in dressing. According to many Muslims, the Quran requires modesty by both men and women when in public. Many scholars quote the Quran to draw a justification for the use of both the niqab and hijab as an obligation (Asser, 2006). One such verse is Quran 24:31. In the verse, the faithful women have an obligation to cover their private parts and desist from exposing their beauty unless it is unavoidable. Their scarf should also cover their bosom. However, others claim that the Quran does not make the niqab obligatory. For them, only the hijab is obligatory. Proponents of the niqab as being an obligatory claim that in Quran 33:59, Prophet Muhammad instructs his wives, daughters and believing women that it is necessary for them to cover themselves with outer garments. Scholars, therefore, use the

Evaluate the arguments for and against the decriminalising of cannabis Essay

Evaluate the arguments for and against the decriminalising of cannabis in the U.K - Essay Example Cannabis is a plant known to be available in most parts of the world and first originated from the Asian region (Emmett and Nice, 2009). Cannabis is known by many names including marijuana, Grass, weed, herb, blow, Ganja, dagga, hemp, pot and hay. It can be extracted in a simple way; the leaves of the plant are cut in small pieces and dried. Emmett and Nice (2009) explain that one has to consider the leaves of the cannabis plant which is almost maturing. From a study conducted by Johns (2001), it has been concluded that this drug has some side effects on the victim. Most of the users tend to consume the drug by smoking, which affects their lungs just the way cigarette smoking affects a person. Cannabis use has been debated much in most countries; this paper will review the need to decriminalize and also the impacts if the drug is decriminalized in the UK. From varied research, it is indicated that cannabis decriminalization should be considered based on the economic point of view; a lot of money is spent by the Government finding drug dealers and abusers. ... The decriminalization of cannabis use in the country would give the government more money to spend in other parts of the economy. In addition the government could generate revenue from the cannabis traders instead of spending taxes chasing after them. The health issue is also another case which has to be considered. Proponents of the legalization of cannabis have been arguing that the drug can help patients overcome the difficulties they are undergoing. For example, patients are usually advised by some doctors to take small amounts of cannabis by smoking to reduce the pain caused by the diseases they are undergoing (Grant et al, 2012). Furthermore, Grant et al (2012) show that the use of cannabis by patients who have undergone neurosurgery reduces the pain, hence increasing the patients’ hope of fast recovery. Cancer patients side effect could be reduced by advising them to smoke cannabis, which reduces side effects caused by cancer drugs, including nausea and vomiting. HIV/AI Ds Patient who on Anti-retroviral drugs could also benefit from the use of cannabis to curb the side effects such lack of appetite, which could help them prevent other issues which like weight loss. Patients can then prolong their life and eat just like any other people. From the research it was also found that short sighted people could benefit from the use of cannabis which reduces the side effects they have when they are on drugs to reduce the effects of short-sightedness. Hall et al (2001) also found that cannabis can be used to curb epilepsy, tetanus or rabies (Hall et al 2001). From this, the UK government should consider decriminalizing cannabis for the benefit of ailing